Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

resistancen 1. opposition, tentangan: the members’ ~ to the Union’s proposal, tentangan ahli-ahli thdp usul Kesatuan; our troops broke down the enemy’s ~, askar-askar kami mematahkan tentangan pihak musuh; /make, offer/ /no, not much/ ~ to, tdk membuat/ tentangan, tentangan yg kuat/ thdp; 2. capacity to withstand, ketahanan: the material’s ~ to heat has been tested, ketahanan bahan itu thdp haba telah diuji; bodily ~ to infection, ketahanan badan thdp jangkitan; 3. opposing force, rintangan: wind ~, rintangan angin; air ~, rintangan udara; 4. often the R~, secret organization resisting the authorities, (Pihak) Penentang; 5. (electr) rintangan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
oppositionn 1. strong, violent, disagreement, objection, tentangan: there was little ~ to the proposal, terdapat sedikit sahaja tentangan thdp usul itu; he insisted on going through with the scheme in spite of widespread ~, dia berkeras utk meneruskan rancangan itu walaupun mendapat tentangan yg meluas;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
antagonize, antagonisevt 1. evoke, a. (opposition in) menimbulkan tentangan: severe restriction that is liable to ~ the student body, sekatan yg keterlaluan yg boleh menimbulkan tentangan pihak pelajar; b. (hostility in) /menimbulkan, menaikkan/ kemarahan, menyebabkan [sso] marah: don’t ~ him, jangan menimbulkan kemarahannya; he ~s his colleagues by openly criticizing their work, dia menimbulkan kemarahan rakan-rakan sekerjanya dgn mengkritik kerja mereka; 2. counteract, neutralize, meneutralkan: the coldness of the air ~s the warmth of the metal, kesejukan udara meneutralkan kepanasan logam itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
heel 1 bring /so., st/ to ~, (fig.) menundukkan /sso, sst/: the regime tried to bring them to ~ but they did not concede without resistance, rejim itu mencuba menundukkan mereka tetapi mereka tdk mengalah tanpa tentangan; come to ~, (fig.) tunduk kpd + approp n: threatened with dismissal, he quickly came to ~, krn takut dibuang kerja, dia segera tunduk kpd peraturan; /cool, kick/ o’s ~s, tertunggu-tunggu: he was left cooling his ~s in the corridor, dia dibiarkan tertunggu-tunggu di koridor;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
surrender vt 1. give up, relinquish, menyerahkan: he was not going to ~ all the benefits he had gained without a fight, dia tdk akan menyerahkan semua faedah yg diperoleh tanpa memberikan tentangan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
obstinateadj 1. stubborn, degil, keras kepala, keras hati, ketegar: sometimes she can be so ~, kadang-kadang dia begitu degil; 2. not easily subdued, overcome, nekad: their ~ resistance to attack changed the course of the war, tentangan mereka yg nekad thdp serangan mengubah haluan peperangan itu; 3. (of disease, illness) resisting treatment, sukar sembuh; (of rash, sore) sukar baik: an ~ cold, selesema yg sukar sembuh.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
encountervt 1. meet by chance, bertemu dgn: he ~ed an old schoolmate at the shopping mall, dia bertemu dgn rakan sekolahnya yg lama di tempat membeli-belah; 2. meet as adversary, bertembung dgn: they ~ed a large force of enemy troops, mereka bertembung dgn satu angkatan besar askar-askar musuh; 3. meet with, menghadapi: they ~ed great danger on the journey, mereka menghadapi bahaya besar dlm perjalanan itu; the plan will probably ~ strong opposition, rancangan itu mungkin mendapat tentangan hebat.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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