Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

bordern 1. edge, part near it, tepi, pinggir: on the ~s of the lake, di tepi tasik; 2. boundary, sempadan: the mountains on the ~ of Italy and Austria, gunung-gunung di sempadan Itali dan Austria; 3. region that lies along boundary line, sempadan, perbatasan; 4. ornamental design around, a. (printed page) birai hias; b. (dinner plate) tepi; c. (fabric, garment, shawl, rug, etc) sibar-sibar: the handkerchief had a lace ~, sapu tangan itu mempunyai sibar-sibar renda; 5. long narrow garden bed along edge of garden, path, etc, batas: a ~ of rose bushes along the driveway, sebatas pokok mawar di sepanjang jalan kereta itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
byprep 1. near to, next to, beside, at or to the side of (a thing, building, place, etc) di tepi; (a person) di sisi, di sebelah, di samping: a house ~ a lake, sebuah rumah di tepi tasik; a holiday ~ the sea, bercuti di tepi laut; standing ~ the door, berdiri di tepi pintu; he sat ~ me in the train, dia duduk di sisi saya dlm kereta api itu; I’ve got it ~ me, itu ada pd saya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
side adj 1. at the side, tepi, sisi: the ~ door was locked, pintu tepi berkunci; 2. directed towards one side, sisi: a ~ kick, sepakan sisi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lead 1 ~ by, (of road) pass beside, di tepi: the road ~s right by the school, jalan itu betul-betul di tepi sekolah tersebut; ~ st by st, guide st by holding, pulling, etc st, menuntun sst dgn memegang sst: he led the horse by its reins, dia menuntun kuda itu dgn memegang tali kekangnya; ~ so. by the hand, menuntun, memimpin (tangan) [sso]: he led the blind man by the hand across the road, dia memimpin orang buta itu melintas jalan; ~ so. by the nose, memperlakukan sso spt kerbau di cucuk hidung: he thinks himself decisive and can’t see that his personal adviser is ~ing him by the nose, dia fikir dia tegas dan tdk sedar bahawa penasihat peribadinya memperlakukannya spt kerbau dicucuk hidung;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lead 1 ~ by, (of road) pass beside, di tepi: the road ~s right by the school, jalan itu betul-betul di tepi sekolah tersebut; ~ st by st, guide st by holding, pulling, etc st, menuntun sst dgn memegang sst: he led the horse by its reins, dia menuntun kuda itu dgn memegang tali kekangnya; ~ so. by the hand, menuntun, memimpin (tangan) [sso]: he led the blind man by the hand across the road, dia memimpin orang buta itu melintas jalan; ~ so. by the nose, memperlakukan sso spt kerbau di cucuk hidung: he thinks himself decisive and can’t see that his personal adviser is ~ing him by the nose, dia fikir dia tegas dan tdk sedar bahawa penasihat peribadinya memperlakukannya spt kerbau dicucuk hidung;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
edgevt 1. supply with border, approp v [+ n] pd tepi [sst]: to ~ a blanket with ribbon, membubuh reben pd tepi gebar; 2. form border to, meminggiri: wild flowers ~ the river bank, pokok-pokok bunga tumbuh liar meminggiri tebing sungai itu; 3. move slowly along, mengesotkan, mengesot-ngesotkan: to ~ the crate out of a room, mengesotkan peti kayu keluar dr bilik; to ~ the refrigerator into the kitchen, mengesot-ngesotkan peti sejuk ke dapur;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
window-seatn 1. seat next to a window in a train, aeroplane, etc, tempat duduk tepi tingkap: she preferred a ~, dia lebih suka akan tempat duduk tepi tingkap; 2. bench-like seat fitted to wall beneath a window, tempat duduk sisi jendela: each bay window is fitted with ~s, setiap tingkap unjur dipasangi tempat duduk sisi jendela.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
inshoreadj 1. near the shore, pesisir: ~ fisheries, perikanan pesisir; ~ water, perairan pesisir; ~ weather, cuaca kawasan pesisir; 2. towards the shore, ke (tepi) pantai ~ current, arus ke tepi pantai; ~ wind, angin ke pantai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
besideprep 1. at or by the side of, next to, di /sebelah, sisi, samping/; (sea, river, lake) di tepi: he sat ~ her on the sofa, dia duduk di sampingnya di kerusi panjang itu; she walked ~ me, dia berjalan di sebelah saya; in the room is a table with two chairs ~ it, di dlm bilik itu ada sebuah meja dgn dua buah kerusi di sampingnya; a fishing village ~ the sea, sebuah kampung nelayan di tepi laut; 2. compared with, dibandingkan dgn: he seems small ~ his brother, dia kelihatan kecil dibandingkan dgn abangnya; ~ him, other singers seem amateurish, dibandingkan dengannya penyanyi-penyanyi lain kelihatan amatur; 3. on a par with, /setanding, sebanding/ dgn: a writer who can be ranked ~ the best , penulis yg dapat diletakkan setanding dgn penulis-penulis terbaik; 4. (archaic) see BESIDES (sense 2.);Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
marginn 1. (round a page) birai, margin: written comments in the ~ of a page, komen bertulis di birai muka surat; 2. vertical line at side of page, (garisan) jidar, garisan tepi; 3. border, edge, tepi, pinKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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