Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[te.pu.kan]/[te.pu/.kan] | تڤوقن

Definisi : perbuatan bertepuk (menepuk). (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[te.pu.kan]/[te.pu/.kan] | تڤوقن

Definisi : 1 pukulan utk menepuk; hasil menepuk. 2 hasil bertepuk (tangan). (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata tepukan

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

applaudvt 1. express approval by clapping hands, memberikan tepukan kpd, memberi [sso, sst] tepukan: the play was loudly ~ed, lakonan itu diberi tepukan gemuruh; 2. show approval of, praise, memuji: his persistence must be ~ed, kegigihannya patut dipuji.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
handclapn tepukan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
clap 1n 1. loud, explosive noise, dentum(an), dentam(an): the ~ of thunder, dentuman guruh; 2. sound of striking palms together, tepukan: the audience gave him a good ~, penonton-penonton memberinya tepukan gemuruh;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
echon 1. repetition of sound, gema, gaung, talun: the ~es of their shots finally died away, gema tembakan mereka akhirnya lenyap; to the ~, dgn [tepukan, tepuk sorak] yg /bergema, bergemuruh/: his speech was applauded to the ~, pidatonya disambut dgn tepukan yg bergema; 2. (fig.) imitation (of opinion, idea, etc) meniru, membeo: his essay was merely an ~ of the author’s opinion, eseinya hanya meniru pendapat pengarang itu;3. imitator, peniru, pembeo, meniru, membeo: the student is just an ~ of his teacher, murid itu meniru gurunya saja;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
housebring the ~ down, bring down the ~, (colloq) mendapat tepukan gemuruh; get /on, along/ like a ~ on fire, begitu mesra sekali: after they got to know each other the two ladies got along like a ~ on fire, selepas mengenali satu sama lain kedua-dua wanita itu begitu mesra sekali; keep ~, mengurus rumah; keep open ~, mengadakan rumah terbuka: we keep open ~ at Hari Raya, kami mengadakan rumah terbuka pd Hari Raya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
applausen 1. approval by clapping hands, tepukan; 2. praise, pujian: a book that won the ~ of the critics, sebuah buku yg mendapat pujian drpd pengkritik.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
continuevi 1. last, endure, berterusan, berlanjutan; (for a short time) berterusan: the applause ~d long after the curtain call, tepukan berterusan lama selepas sembah seni; the war might ~ for years, peperangan itu mungkin berlanjutan hingga beberapa tahun; the performance ~d until late that night, pertunjukan itu berlanjutan sehingga larut malam; the discussion ~d for over an hour, perbincangan itu berterusan lebih drpd sejam; 2. proceed, remain, terus: the weather ~s fine, cuaca terus baik; he ~d as secretary of the organization until he retired, dia terus menjadi setiausaha pertubuhan itu sehinggalah dia bersara; they ~d up the mountain on foot, mereka terus berjalan kaki mendaki gunung;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
draw20. evoke, call forth, mendapat: his question drew a quick reply, soalannya mendapat jawapan yg cepat; the performance drew an applause from the audience, pertunjukan itu mendapat tepukan drpd para penonton; the move towards peace drew praise from world leaders, langkah ke arah perdamaian itu mendapat pujian drpd pemimpin-pemimpin dunia; 21. also ~ out, elicit, extract, mencungkil: to ~ the truth from the prisoner, mencungkil perkara yg sebenar drpd banduan itu; 22. bring about, mendatangkan: ~ing ruin upon oneself, mendatangkan kerugian thdp diri sendiri; 23. deduce, cause to come to, membuat: to ~ a conclusion, membuat kesimpulan; to ~ comparisons, membuat perbandingan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
deafeningadj 1. (of loud noise), a. (for its duration), /memekakkan, membingitkan/ telinga: the ~ roar of the traffic, bunyi lalu lintas yg memekakkan telinga; b. (after it has ceased) membengangkan, membengapkan, membengalkan; 2. (of applause, cheer, etc) gemuruh: to be greeted with ~ applause, disambut dgn tepukan gemuruh.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
handforce so’s ~, memaksa sso utk + v phr: the riots forced the government’s ~ and they had to implement the reforms more quickly than they had originally planned, rusuhan itu memaksa kerajaan bertindak dan mereka terpaksa melaksanakan pembaharuan lebih cepat drpd apa yg dirancangkan terlebih dahulu; from ~ to mouth, kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang: living from ~ to mouth, hidup kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang; /get, give/ a big ~, /mendapat, memberikan/ tepukan gemuruh;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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