creep | ~ over, a. see vi; b. have gradual effect on, mula terasa dlm: a feeling of nausea crept over her, rasa loya mula terasa dlm dirinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bone | cut st to the ~, (salary, expenses, etc) memotong sst habis-habisan; /feel st, have a feeling/ in o’s ~s, terasa sst /di hati, dlm diri/ sso: I’ve a feeling in my ~ that something is going to happen, terasa di hatiku bahawa sst akan berlaku; have a ~ to pick with so., ada yg hendak diselesaikan dgn sso; make no ~s about st, a. be honest, berterus terang ttg sst; b. not hesitate, tdk /ragu-ragu, teragak-agak/ [v]; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
giddy | adj 1. dizzy, a. (terasa) berpusing, pusing kepala, pening; (when looking down from a great height) gayat, gamang: he felt ~ on the merry-go-round, dia pening semasa menaiki kuda pusing; heights make me feel ~, saya gayat apabila berada di tempat tinggi; b. (fig.) mabuk: winning one Oscar after another made him really ~ with success, memenangi Oskar demi Oskar membuat dia betul-betul mabuk dgn kejayaan; 2. causing dizziness, a. membuat [sso] /terasa berpusing, pusing kepala, pening/; (when one looks down from a great height) membuat [sso] /gayat, gamang/: a ~ climb to the top of the mast, memanjat ke puncak tiang layar membuat saya gayat; b. (fig.) memabukkan: ~ triumphs that did not last, kemenangan yg memabukkan yg tdk kekal; 3. (old-fashioned) flighty, gila-gila: that ~ girl, gadis yg gila-gila itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
do | ~ in, a. (sl) kill, membunuh: he felt like ~ing himself in, dia terasa spt hendak membunuh diri; b. (colloq), (usu pass.) lembik, letak, letai: the horses were ~ne in after the long ride, kuda-kuda itu letak setelah berjalan jauh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
feel | vi 1. be conscious of a certain physical or emotional sensation, be(rasa): I ~ very cold, saya berasa sangat sejuk; he is ~ing hungry, dia berasa lapar; we felt touched by his kind gesture, kami rasa terharu krn budi baiknya; she felt better after a short rest, dia berasa lebih segar selepas berehat sebentar; 2. give a certain sensation or impression, terasa: the room ~s warm, bilik itu terasa panas; this material ~s soft, kain ini terasa lembut; it ~s good to be home again, terasa seronok apabila pulang semula ke kampung halaman; 3. have sensation of touch, berasa: many people say that fish cannot ~, ramai orang mengatakan ikan tdk dapat berasa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foretaste | n [various translations]: fighting the fire was like a ~ of hell, melawan api kebakaran itu terasa spt bayangan keadaan di neraka; the first scene is only a ~ of what is to come, adegan pertama itu hanyalah merupakan cecapan dr apa yg akan datang seterusnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
creep | b. (of mass of cloud, mist) berarak; c. (of hand of clock) merangkak: the hands of the clock crept towards midnight, jarum jam merangkak ke pukul dua belas tengah malam; d. (of water, tide) merangkak: the water crept slowly up the shore, air perlahan-lahan merangkak naik ke pantai; e. (of emotion, tone of voice, etc) mula terasa: an arrogant note crept into his voice, nada angkuh mula terasa dlm suaranya; suspicion began to ~ into her mind, rasa syak mula terasa dlm fikirannya; f. (of mistakes etc) berlaku, terjadi: after two hours of typing, mistakes started to ~ into his work, selepas dua jam menaip, kesilapan mula berlaku dlm kerjanya; 4. (of plant) menjalar, melata, merayap, menyulur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
horrified | adj 1. expressing horror, menunjukkan perasaan /gerun, ngeri, takut yg amat sangat/: a ~ look, wajah yg menunjukkan perasaan ngeri; 2. feeling horror, (terasa) /gerun, ngeri/, kengerian, ketakutan: the ~ spectators, para penonton yg ketakutan itu; 3. shocked, terkejut, terperanjat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brush1 | ~ past, [various translations ]: as he ~ed past, he smiled, dia tersenyum apabila lalu di tepi gadis itu; she felt something small and hairy ~ past her in the dark, dia terasa sesuatu yg kecil dan berbulu tergesel pd kakinya dlm gelap itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drag | ~ (along) behind, move more slowly than (others), approp v + lambat-lambat: I had to ~ behind as I was having difficulty breathing, saya terpaksa berjalan lambat-lambat krn saya terasa sukar utk bernafas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |