beam | off the ~, (lit. & fig.) keluar dr haluan, melencong, menyeleweng, menyimpang, terbabas; on the ~, (lit. & fig), /mengikut, tepat pd/ haluan, tdk /melencong, menyeleweng, terbabas/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bang1 | ~ against st, a. strike against st, terhantuk pd sst: his knees ~ed against the side of the table, lututnya terhantuk pd tepi meja itu; b. collide with st, terlanggar sst: the car skidded, ~ed against my garden wall and burst into flames, kereta itu terbabas, terlanggar tembok taman saya dan terbakar; ~ st against, strike st against, a. (when “st” is part of body) menghantukkan sst pd; (accidentally) terhantuk pd: the baby threw a tantrum and ~ed his head against the side of the cot, bayi itu mengamuk dan menghantuk-hantukkan kepalanya pd dinding katilnya; straightening up too suddenly, he ~ed his head against a low beam, apabila dia tiba-tiba saja menegakkan badannya, kepalanya terhantuk pd alang yg rendah; b. (when “st” is a whole obj) menghentamkan sst pd: he ~ed his satchel angrily against the locker, dgn marah, dia menghentamkan beg sekolahnya pd almari kecil itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hit | 2. reach, get at with missile etc, (act.) mengenai; (pass.) kena (+ approp n or v): the torpedo ~ its target, torpedo itu mengenai sasarannya; the oil refinery has been ~, kilang penapis minyak itu kena bom; help! I have been ~, tolong! Saya kena tembak; 3. knock, bump, terhantuk: he ~ his knee on the table leg, lututnya terhantuk pd kaki meja; 4. collide, melanggar, merempuh: the bus ran off the road and ~ a tree, bas itu terbabas lalu melanggar sebatang pokok; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |