best | n 1. that which is most excellent, yg /terbaik, paling baik, baik sekali/: the ~ that money can buy, yg paling baik yg dapat dibeli; to him the ~ may not be good enough, baginya yg terbaik itu mungkin belum memadai; I want the ~, saya mahu yg paling baik sekali; 2.maximum effort, yg terdaya: the ~ he can put in is 12 hours a day, yg dia terdaya bekerja ialah 12 jam sehari; 3. the best person(s), yg terbaik sekali: even the ~ can make mistakes, yg terbaik sekali pun mungkin membuat kesilapan; 4. also Sunday best, (o’s) best clothes, pakaian [sso] yg /terbaik, paling elok, paling cantik/: the ladies were wearing their Sunday~, wanita-wanita itu memakai pakaian mereka yg paling cantik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bib | best ~ and tucker, pakaian yg /terbaik, paling elok/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cream | ~ so. off, remove the best people, memilih sso: to ~ off the best students and send them to a special school, memilih pelajar-pelajar yg terbaik dan menghantar mereka ke sekolah khas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grade | n 1. quality, gred: high - ~ steel, keluli gred tinggi; he only buys the best ~ of eggs, dia hanya membeli telur gred terbaik; ~ A rice, beras gred A; 2. a. marks, (for the total examination) gred, pangkat; (for single subject), pangkat, [or not translated]: I got ~ A for my Lower Certificate of Education examination, saya mendapat gred A dlm peperiksaan Lower Certificate of Education; ~ C in mathematics, pangkat C dlm matematik; (good) ~s, markah (baik): my son got good ~s this year except in physics, anak saya mendapat markah baik tahun ini kecuali dlm fizik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
characteristic | n 1. distinguishing trait, a. (of so.) sifat: one of his nicest ~s, salah satu drpd sifat-sifatnya yg terbaik; b. (of st) ciri, sifat: the reptilian ~s, ciri-ciri reptilia; superstition was a ~ of that age, mempercayai perkara-perkara karut merupakan sifat zaman itu; 2. (math) ciri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gem | n 1. precious stone, (batu) permata; 2. so. or st highly valued, [various translations]: the ~ of his collection has been stolen, lukisan yg terbaik dlm koleksinya telah dicuri; your housekeeper is a real ~, pengurus rumah kamu sangat bagus; a ~ of a restaurant, restoran yg cukup baik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
director | n pengarah: he’s on the board of ~s of our firm, dia ahli lembaga pengarah firma kita; ~ of operations, pengarah operasi; he won an oscar for Best D~, dia memenangi oskar Pengarah Terbaik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brew | n 1. beverage produced by brewing, [usu not translated] bru: a strong ~ of coffee, kopi yg pekat or bru kopi yg keras; the best ~ of beer, bru bir yg terbaik; 2. product of brewing, bru: last year’s ~, bru tahun lalu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aristocracy | n 1. government by the best citizens, pemerintahan aristokrasi; 2. class of nobles, golongan bangsawan, aristokrat; 3. governing body of nobles, golongan bangsawan yg memerintah; 4. state so governed, negara aristokrasi; 5. best representatives (of st) kumpulan [n] yg terbaik: an ~ of intellect, kumpulan cendekiawan yg terbaik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cream | n 1. fatty part of milk, krim; (of coconut) pati santan: butter is made from ~, mentega dibuat drpd krim; whipped ~, krim putar; 2. containing fatty part of milk, berkrim: ~ cakes, kek berkrim; 3. creamlike substance, krim: face ~, krim muka; 4. best part, (approp n) + yg terbaik; (of story, joke) intisari: this class is the ~ of the school, kelas ini ialah yg terbaik di sekolah ini; the ~ of society, golongan elit; 5. (colour), (warna) putih kuning; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |