gory | adj 1. (liter.) covered in blood, berlumuran darah: the ~ corpse still lay on the floor, mayat yg berlumuran darah itu masih terbaring di lantai; 2. (lit. & fig.) full of unpleasantness and bloodshed, [various translations]: a ~ battle, pertempuran berdarah; a ~ tale, cerita yg mengerikan; a ~ film, filem yg penuh dgn adegan berdarah; she revealed all the ~ details about their tempestuous relationship, wanita itu mendedahkan hal-hal yg kurang enak didengar ttg perhubungan mereka yg sentiasa bergelora itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
groan | vi 1. moan, cry, a. (in pain) mengerang, mengaduh: the wounded man lay on the ground, ~ing, orang yg cedera itu terbaring di atas tanah, mengerang; b. (in disappointment, distress, etc) mengeluh: they all ~ed when their flight was delayed for the second time, mereka semua mengeluh apabila penerbangan mereka ditangguhkan bagi kali yg kedua; ~ inwardly, mengeluh dlm senyap; 2. creak, berkeriut, berkerit, berderit: the wooden house ~ed during the storm, rumah papan itu berkerit semasa ribut; 3. be weighed down, melendut: the shelf ~ed under a load of heavy books, tetingkat itu melendut oleh beban buku yg berat; the table ~ed with food, meja itu melendut krn banyak makanan di atasnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
keel | vi & vt; ~ over, a. (of vessel) terbalik, terjungkir: the ship ~ed over in the strong wind, kapal itu terbalik dlm angin kencang itu; b. (of person) rebah, jatuh terbaring; ~ st over, menyebabkan sst | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |