latest | adj terbaru: his ~ novel was a great success, novelnya yg terbaru mencapai kejayaan besar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
latest | n; the ~, (colloq) approp n + yg terbaru: have you heard the ~?, sudahkah kamu mendengar perkembangan yg terbaru?; at the ~, selewat-lewatnya, selambat-lambatnya: I shall come at 4 p.m. at the ~,<>/i saya akan datang selewat-lewatnya pd pukul 4 petang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
find | n jumpaan, temuan: the latest archaeological ~, temuan arkeologi yg terbaru; so. is a /great, real, marvelous, etc/ ~, sso beruntung mendapat sso: our new maid is quite a ~, kami beruntung mendapat pembantu rumah yg baru ini; st is a /great, real, marvelous, etc /~, sso beruntung menjumpai sst: this antique shop is a real ~, saya beruntung menjumpai kedai antik ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
catch | ~ up on, a. (new development, trend) mengikuti: to ~ up on the latest fashion from Paris, mengikuti fesyen terbaru dr Paris; b. (neglected work, correspondence, etc) menyiapkan: she went to the office an hour early to ~ up on the work she had not done, dia pergi ke pejabat sejam lebih awal utk menyiapkan kerja yg belum dibuatnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
law | n 1. rules legally instituted, undang-undang: the company’s latest move is only just within the ~, langkah terbaru syarikat itu masih lagi mengikut lunas undang-undang; international ~, undang-undang antarabangsa; 2. any one of these rules, undang-undang: the ~ was passed many years ago, undang-undang tersebut telah diluluskan beberapa tahun yg lalu; 3. rule governing certain activity, conduct, etc, peraturan: the ~s of cricket, peraturan-peraturan dlm permainan kriket: the ~s of good behaviour, peraturan-peraturan berkelakuan baik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
in | b. (indic subject, activity) dalam: an interest ~ photography, minat dalam bidang seni foto; recent advances ~ machine translation, kemajuan terbaru dalam lapangan terjemahan berkomputer; a degree ~ political science, ijazah dalam bidang sains politik; 20. (indic medium of communication) dalam: the letter is written ~ Tagalog, surat itu ditulis dalam bahasa Tagalog; he spoke to me ~ Javane, dia bercakap dgn saya dalam bahasa Jawa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fashion | n 1. current style, mode of dress, manner, thought, etc, fesyen: to dress in the latest ~, memakai fesyen yg terbaru; ~ - conscious, mengikuti fesyen; ~ show, pertunjukan fesyen; it was the ~ to go to the South of France in winter, pd suatu masa dahulu, pergi ke Selatan Perancis pd musim sejuk menjadi fesyen; 2. manner, gaya, cara; (of behaving), [not translated ]: he spoke in a rude ~, dia bercakap dgn gaya yg kasar; behave in a strange ~, berkelakuan ganjil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
commend | ~ os to, a. be to the liking of, suka akan: his latest novel does not ~ itself to me, saya tdk suka akan novelnya yg terbaru itu; b. be acceptable to, diterima baik oleh: a suggestion that ~ed itself to him, cadangan yg diterima baik olehnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hype | vt (sl) promote by exaggerated publicity, menggembar-gemburkan: he’s hyping his latest book with a lot of gimmicks, dia menggembar-gemburkan bukunya yg terbaru dgn berbagai-bagai gimik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
delight | be a ~, sso seronok (+ approp v): the kitten is a real ~, saya seronok melihat anak kucing itu; his latest release is a real ~, saya sungguh seronok mendengar albumnya yg terbaru; be so’s ~, menyeronokkan sso, menjadi keseronokan sso: roller-skating is his ~, bermain kasut roda menyeronokkannya; fill so. with ~, (act.) menyeronokkan sso; (pass.) sso seronok: she was filled with ~ at the thought of the party, dia seronok apabila memikirkan dia akan menghadiri majlis itu; give (great) ~ to, (sangat) menyeronokkan: his puppet-shows gave ~ to thousands of children, persembahan bonekanya menyeronokkan beribu-ribu kanak-kanak; take ~ in, suka; to so’s ~, sso seronok: to his ~ she accepted his invitation, dia seronok apabila gadis itu menerima pelawaannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |