Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[] | تربنم

Definisi : 1. tenggelam, masuk: matahari ~ di ufuk barat; 2. terpendam: harta ~; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[] | تربنم

Definisi : 1 telah masuk ke dlm air dan tenggelam; telah masuk dalam-dalam ke dlm air dsb sehingga tidak kelihatan lagi: Kapal yg pecah itu ~ di dasar laut. 2 tenggelam kerana didatangi air: Beberapa buah kampung telah ~ akibat banjir. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata terbenam


Intan itu jika terbenam di pelimbahan sekalipun,
     tiada akan hilang cahayanya.

Bermaksud :

Kebenaran akan ternyata juga, walapun disembunyikan; orang yang baik akan ketahuan juga walaupun hidupnya melarat.


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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

ankle~ deep, dgn kaki terbenam ke paras /buku lali, mata kaki, pergelangan kaki/: he stood ~ deep in mud, dia berdiri dgn kakinya terbenam ke paras buku lali; ~ high, separas /buku lali, mata kaki, pergelangan kaki/; /turn, twist/ o’s ~, kaki sso /terseliuh, terpelecok, tergeliat/.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
embeddedadj 1. firmly fixed, terbenam, tertanam: the knife was ~ in the sand, pisau itu terbenam di dlm pasir; 2. encrusted, bertatah(kan): a crown ~ with jewels, mahkota yg bertatahkan permata; 3. fixed in the mind, terpahat, terukir: her face is ~ in my memory, wajahnya terpahat dlm ingatanku.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bogvt (usu pass.); ~ so. down, sso menjadi buntu: we got ~ged down in details, kami menjadi buntu akibat terlalu banyaknya perincian; ~ st down, a. cause to sink into a bog, terbenam: the bus got ~ged down in the mud for hours, bas itu terbenam dlm lumpur berjam-jam lamanya; b. impede and slow st up, sst tdk ada kemajuan: work on this dictionary was ~ged down by difficulties, kerja menyusun kamus ini tdk ada kemajuan disebabkan berbagai-bagai kesulitan; the talks have been ~ged down for weeks, rundingan itu sudah berminggu-minggu tdk ada kemajuan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dislodgevt remove from fixed position, [various translations]: they were unable to ~ the embedded rock, mereka tdk berupaya utk mencungkil keluar batu yg terbenam itu; the fishbone could not be ~d, tulang ikan itu tdk dapat dikeluarkan; during the storm, some roof tiles were ~d, semasa ribut itu, beberapa genting tertanggal.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
horizonn 1. line at which sky and earth seem to meet, kaki langit, ufuk, horizon: the sun sank below the ~, matahari terbenam di ufuk; sensible ~, kaki langit nyata; 2. (fig.), [various translations]: travel will broaden a person’s ~s, pengembaraan akan meluaskan pengalaman sso; beyond the ~ of human intellect, di luar batas intelek manusia; political ~, ruang lingkup politik; 3. (geol) lapisan (tanah).Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
knee -deepadj 1. immersed up to the knees, /separas, setinggi/ lutut: the mud is ~, lumpur itu separas lutut; 2. deeply involved, tenggelam, terbenam: to be ~ in trouble, tenggelam dlm kesulitan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
go~ down, a. descend, turun: be careful when you ~ down the stairs, berhati-hati apabila kamu turun tangga; b. become lower, turun: his temperature went down, suhu badannya turun; the price didn’t ~ down, harganya tdk turun; c. sink, tenggelam, terbenam: the ship went down during the storm, kapal itu tenggelam semasa ribut; the sun went down behind the mountains, matahari terbenam di balik gunung; d. fall to the ground, jatuh: the plane went down in the thick fog, kapal terbang itu jatuh dlm kabut tebal;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
alwaysadv 1. everytime, selalu, sentiasa: she’s ~ complaining about her health, dia selalu bersungut ttg kesihatannya; 2. at all times, sentiasa, selamanya: the sun ~ sets in the west, matahari sentiasa terbenam di sebelah barat; carbon dioxide is ~ present in the atmosphere, karbon dioksida sentiasa ada di dlm atmosfera; 3. in all cases, semuanya: this species ~ has webbed feet, spesies ini semuanya mempunyai kaki yg berkulit renang; 4. in any case, [not translated]: if you don’t feel well, you can ~ take the day off, kalau kamu berasa tdk sihat kamu boleh bercuti; 5. forever, sentiasa, selama-lamanya: I shall ~ remember your kindness, saya akan sentiasa mengenang budi baikmu; for ~, (colloq) utk selama-lamanya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dipvi 1. slope down, menurun: the land ~s to the south, tanah itu menurun ke arah selatan; 2. descend sharply, menjunam: the eagle ~ped and swooped on its prey, burung helang itu menjunam dan menyambar mangsanya; 3. decline, jatuh, turun: prices ~ped because of reduced taxes, harga turun disebabkan pengurangan cukai; 4. sink, terbenam: the sun ~s below the horizon, matahari terbenam di ufuk barat; 5. (geol) condong: sedimentary rocks ~ping eastwards, batu mendak yg condong ke arah timur; 6. plunge (into st) to take st out, menyeluk: he ~ped into his pocket for the key, dia menyeluk sakunya utk mengambil kunci;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
down1adv 1. (indic a low or lower than usual level) a. (gen), [no specif translation]: what’s going on ~ there?, apa yg berlaku di bawah sana?; he is ~ in the basement, dia berada di tingkat bawah tanah; ~ at the bottom of the lake, nun jauh di dasar tasik; the blinds are ~, bidai itu telah diturunkan; b. downstairs, sudah turun: it’s still very early, so no one is ~ yet, masih terlalu awal, jadi tdk ada sesiapa yg sudah turun; c. below the horizon, (telah) /jatuh, terbenam/: the sun is ~, matahari telah terbenam;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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