Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ter.ben.tang] | تربنتڠ

Definisi : terbuka luas, terhampar: sawah padi yg ~ luas; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[ter.ben.tang] | تربنتڠ

Definisi : kelihatan terbuka luas-luas; terhampar: Dr situ, mereka nampak tanah lapang putih berkilau-kilauan ~ ke arah kutub utara. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata terbentang


Sayang lagu serampang laut,
     Kulit timun atas meja;
Layang terbentang kemudi berpaut,
     Hendak sampai ke tepi juga.

Lihat selanjutnya...(2)

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

broadadj 1. wide, lebar: a ~ avenue, lebuh yg lebar; he gave her a ~ grin, dia tersenyum lebar kpd gadis itu; a ~ -shouldered man, lelaki yg berbahu lebar; 2. in breadth, lebar, lebarnya: the table is one meter ~, lebar meja itu satu meter or meja itu satu meter lebarnya; 3. of large extent, luas (terbentang), terbentang luas: they sailed the ~ seas, mereka belayar di laut yg luas terbentang; the ~ plains, dataran yg luas terbentang; 4. extensive in range, scope, luas: a man of ~ interests, lelaki yg luas minatnya; 5. liberal, luas: a ~ interpretation of the law, tafsiran undang-undang yg luas;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
expansen (kawasan yg) luas terbentang:a wide ~ of sea and sky, laut dan langit yg luas terbentang.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
immensityn 1. vastness, luasnya, luas (terbentang): the aeroplane became a dot in the ~ of the blue, kapal terbang itu menjadi satu titik di langit yg luas terbentang; 2. greatness of scope, /amat, sangat/ besar; (of concept etc), /amat, sangat/ luas: the ~ of the problem did not daunt them, masalah yg amat besar itu tdk menggentarkan mereka; due to the ~ of the task given him..., oleh sebab kerja yg diberikan kepadanya amat besar...; 3. st immense, [various translations]: the ~ we call space, kawasan luas yg disebut ruang angkasa; a speck in the blue ~, satu titik di langit yg luas terbentang.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
extendvi 1. stretch, terbentang, luasnya; (of road, carpet, etc) panjangnya: his property ~s for miles, tanahnya terbentang berbatu-batu; the red carpet ~s right up to the lift, permaidani merah itu panjangnya sampai ke lif; 2. protrude, menganjur: the headland ~s from the coast into the sea, tanjung tinggi itu menganjur dr pantai ke laut; 3. last, berlarutan, berlanjutan: the dry season had ~ed right into May, musim kering telah berlanjutan hingga ke bulan Mei; 4. include or affect, menjangkau: his fame ~s far beyond his own country, kemasyhurannya menjangkau ke luar negaranya sendiri;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
extentn 1. range over which st extends, takat: the ~ of his scientific knowledge, takat pengetahuan saintifiknya; the ~ of the damage, takat kerosakan; 2. area, terbentang luas: a vast ~ of padi fields, sawah padi yg terbentang luas; in ~, panjangnya: the track is 7 km. in ~, balapan itu 7 km panjangnya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
forb. (horizontal distance), [not translated], sejauh; (when distance is specified) sejauh: the plain stretched ~ hundreds of miles, dataran itu terbentang beratus-ratus batu; the river runs ~ twenty miles before it reaches the sea, sungai itu mengalir sejauh dua puluh batu sebelum bertemu dgn laut; c. (vertical distance) setinggi, tingginya: the white cliffs rise steeply out of the sea ~ at least 100 metres, cenuram putih itu menegak sekurang-kurangnya setinggi 100 meter; 6. in support, favour of, menyokong: he was neither ~ nor against the proposal, dia tdk menyokong dan juga tdk menentang cadangan itu; three cheers ~ so., tiga sorakan untuk sso;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
breakwithout a ~, terus-menerus; (ref to action, process) tanpa berhenti, tdk /henti-henti, putus-putus/: the plain extends for miles without a ~, dataran itu terbentang terus-menerus berbatu-batu jauhnya; he spoke for two hours without a ~, dia bercakap selama dua jam tanpa berhenti;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
continue 3. resume, diteruskan; (of story, performance) bersambung, diteruskan: the game ~d after a ten-minute break, perlawanan itu diteruskan selepas berhenti rehat selama sepuluh minit; 4. extend, berterusan; (of area of land) terbentang: the passage ~s to the end of the building, lorong itu berterusan hingga ke hujung bangunan; 5. begin speaking again, terus + approp v: he ~ed as though nothing had happened, dia terus berucap seolah-olah tdk ada apa-apa yg berlaku;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
grandadj 1. magnificent, impressive in appearance or size, etc, a. (of structure, building, mountain, etc) tersergam /indah, megah/: a ~ castle, istana kota yg tersergam megah; b. (of part of building) besar lagi indah: the ballroom in which the reception was held was very ~, dewan tari-menari tempat majlis itu diadakan sangat besar lagi indah; c. (of view) terbentang indah: he was awestruck by the ~ panorama of mountains and lakes, dia kagum melihat pemandangan gunung-ganang dan tasik yg terbentang indah; 2. marked by magnificence, display, sumptuousness, besar-besaran:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
grandeurn 1. magnificence, imposing appearance, a. (of structure, building, mountain, etc) ketersergaman, tersergam /indah, megah/: the ~ of the palace, ketersergaman istana itu; the ~ of the Himalayas, Banjaran Himalaya yg tersergam megah; b. (of scenery) keindahan, terbentang indah: the ~ of the scenery in the Alps, keindahan pemandangan di sekitar pergunungan Alps; c. (of country, city, etc) keagungan: the ~ that was Rome, keagungan Rom; 2. marked by magnificence, sumptuousness, penuh kebesaran: the ~ of the royal wedding, majlis perkahwinan diraja yg penuh kebesaran;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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