awestricken, awestruck | adj filled with awe, a. (attrib), (dgn) rasa kagum: to sit in ~ silence, duduk terdiam dgn rasa kagum; b. (pred) gerun dan kagum: she looked rather ~, dia kelihatan agak gerun dan kagum. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
awe | ~ so. into, mengagumkan, menyebabkan sso berasa kagum: the sight ~d them into silence, pemandangan itu menyebabkan mereka berasa kagum sehingga mereka terdiam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
awkward | 5. embarrassed, serba salah; (attrib) dlm keadaan serba salah: she felt ~ about asking him for the loan, dia berasa serba salah utk meminjam wang daripadanya; an ~ silence followed his outburst, mereka terdiam dlm keadaan serba salah setelah dia menghamburkan kata-kata itu; 6. requiring tact, delicate, sulit: an ~ diplomatic situation, keadaan diplomatik yg sulit; ~ customer, a. so. who is difficult to deal with, (orang yg) banyak kerenah; b. animal that is dangerous to deal with, binatang yg berbahaya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
it | iii. (when used ref to animal, plant, etc that is personified or in highly tech context) ia: the birch tree was so pleased ~ stood still, looking at the ribbon, pokok birch itu begitu gembira hingga ia terdiam kaku, memperhatikan reben tersebut; lithium resembles sodium and potassium in appearance, but ~ is harder than either of the two, litium menyerupai natrium dan kalium, tetapi ia lebih keras drpd kedua-duanya; iv. (used with Malay pass. verb) -nya: the explosion must have been terrific judging from the damage ~ caused, letupan itu pasti dahsyat memandangkan kerosakan yg diakibatkannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
into | 6. (of person) so as to be in (particular state) or begin (doing st) hingga; [used with intransitive verbs, see approp verbs]: the audience were shocked ~ silence, para penonton terkejut hingga terdiam; they tried to provoke us ~ fighting, mereka mencuba menghasut hingga kami berkelahi; he frightened her ~ agreeing to do it, lelaki itu menakut-nakutkannya hingga dia bersetuju melakukan perbuatan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |