impel | vt force, drive, (act.) mendorong; (pass.) terdorong: shortage of money ~led him to take the first job he was offered, kekurangan wang mendorongnya utk menerima jawatan pertama yg ditawarkan kepadanya; he felt ~led to object to the procedures, dia berasa terdorong utk menolak tatacara itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disposed | adj; be ~ to (st), mudah: she’s ~ to sudden bursts of temper, dia mudah naik radang; /be, feel / ~ to (do st), (berasa) terdorong utk, spt hendak: he felt ~ to tell so. about it, dia berasa terdorong utk memberitahu sso ttg perkara itu; be /well, favourably, etc /~ towards, [various translations]: some of the members were ill ~ towards the proposal, beberapa orang ahli tdk bersetuju dgn cadangan itu; the king seems to be favourably ~ towards him, Raja nampaknya berkenan pd dia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fascination | n 1. state of being fascinated, terpesona, begitu tertarik: his ~ with politics led him to read more widely, oleh sebab dia terpesona dgn politik, dia terdorong utk membaca dgn lebih luas lagi; 2. st fascinating, terpesona, mempesona(kan): the painting had a ~ for him, dia terpesona dgn lukisan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ashtray | adv 1. towards shore or land, ke /pantai, darat/: to swim ~, berenang ke pantai; 2. on shore or land, di /pantai, darat/: the captain was ~ when the accident happened, kapten berada di pantai semasa kemalangan itu berlaku; /run, be driven/ ~, (of ship), /terdesak, terdorong/ ke pantai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |