awash | adj & adv 1. level with surface of water, terendam: rocks ~ at high tide, batu-batu yg terendam semasa air pasang; 2. afloat, terapung-apung; 3. flooded, kebanjiran, dibanjiri air: the streets were ~ after the heavy rain,jalan raya itu kebanjiran selepas hujan lebat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draw | vi 1. sketch, delineate, melukis: he prefers ~ing with charcoal, dia lebih suka melukis dgn arang; 2. also ~ lots, mencabut undi: they drew for partners, mereka mencabut undi utk mendapat pasangan; 3. allow current of air to pass through a fire, menyedut udara: the flue isn’t ~ing, serombong itu tdk menyedut udara; 4. (of tea) terendam: let the tea ~ for a few minutes, biarkan teh itu terendam utk beberapa minit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |