inhale | vt menyedut; (accidentally) tersedut, terhidu: to ~ fresh air, menyedut udara bersih; if you ~ the gas it will make you ill, kamu akan sakit jika terhidu gas itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inviting | adj (attractive) menarik; (tempting, alluring), (sungguh) menggoda; (of aroma) sedap: the offer sounds ~, tawaran itu nampaknya menarik; the menu doesn’t look very ~, menu ini tdk begitu menarik; an ~ smile, senyuman yg menggoda; the swimming pool looks ~, kolam renang itu sungguh menggoda; he caught a waft of the ~ aroma, dia terhidu bau yg sedap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
evil | adj 1. morally wrong or bad, wicked, jahat: he is an ~ man, dia seorang yg jahat; ~ thoughts, niat jahat; 2. causing harm, injury, durjana: an ~ plan, rancangan yg durjana; 3. nfamous, buruk: the house has an ~ reputation, rumah itu mempunyai reputasi yg buruk; 4. very unpleasant, [various translations]: the woman has an ~ tongue, mulut perempuan itu jahat; an ~ smell came from the casket, terhidu bau kohong dr keranda itu; it was an ~ night, malam itu cuaca sungguh buruk; the ~ noise that came from the quarry, bunyi yg menjengkelkan yg datang dr kuari itu; he has an ~ temper, perangai perengusnya sungguh buruk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drift | vi 1. be carried along by current of air, a. (of balloon, kite, etc) melayang-layang: the balloon ~ed a long way off course, belon itu melayang-layang jauh dr laluannya; b. (of smoke from a chimney) keluar: a column of smoke ~ed from the chimney, kepulan asap keluar dr serombong itu; c. (of clouds) berarak: the clouds ~ed across the sky, awan berarak di langit; d. (of sound) sayup-sayup kedengaran; e. (of smell) terbau, tercium, terhidu: a delicious smell ~ed from the kitchen, tercium bau sedap yg datangnya dr dapur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |