come | ~ of, a. happen, terjadi pd: what came of him, nobody knows, apa yg terjadi padanya, tdk seorang pun tahu; b. be the result of, hasil: no good will ~ of it, hasilnya pasti tdk baik; that’s what ~s of watching too many horror films, itulah hasilnya menonton terlalu banyak filem seram; c. be descended from, /datang, berasal/ dr: she ~s of a family of musicians, dia datang dr keluarga pemuzik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
happen | vi 1. take place, befall, berlaku, terjadi: don’t let this ~ again, jangan biarkan perkara ini berlaku lagi; something must have ~ed to him, tentu ada sst yg terjadi kepadanya; whatever ~s, her father will always believe in her, walau apa pun yg terjadi bapanya tetap mempercayainya; 2. be by chance, kebetulan: he ~ed to be in when I came, kebetulan dia ada di rumah semasa saya datang; as it ~s, it so ~s, secara kebetulan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
do | 2. cause to happen, buat, melakukan; (of non-living things) terjadi: what has he ~ne to you? apakah yg telah dilakukannya thdp kamu?; look what the storm had ~ne to the crops!, lihat apa yg terjadi pd tanam-tanaman akibat ribut itu!; 3. (used with “ing” form of verb) meN + base (+ approp n): he’ll ~ the cooking, dia yg akan memasak; who’ll ~ the washing up?, siapakah yg akan mencuci pinggan mangkuk?; 4. produce, make, [various translations]: to ~ a biography of the President, menulis biografi Presiden itu; to ~ a translation of the text, membuat terjemahan teks itu or menterjemahkan teks itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | ~ about, happen, berlaku, terjadi: how did that ~ about? bagaimana perkara itu berlaku?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impending | adj (usu of st unpleasant) akan /berlaku, terjadi/; (of storm etc) akan melanda: the ~ economic crisis, krisis ekonomi yg akan berlaku; he sought shelter from the ~ storm, dia mencari tempat berlindung drpd ribut yg akan melanda. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | ~ to, a. become conscious again, sedar (semula): when he came to, he found that so. had taken his briefcase, apabila dia sedar dia mendapati bahawa beg bimbitnya telah diambil orang; b. see vi (sense 1. a. & b.); c. happen, terjadi: if any harm should ~ to them..., jika apa-apa yg buruk terjadi pd mereka...; d. amount to, berjumlah: the bill ~s to $200, bil itu berjumlah $200; ~ to pass, terjadi, berlaku; if it ~s to that (colloq) for that matter, kalau difikir-fikirkan; what is the world coming to?, apa yg akan terjadi pd dunia ini?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
better1 | compar of GOOD, WELL; for ~ (or) for worse, biar apa pun yg terjadi, tanpa mengira /baik buruknya, baik buruk kesudahannya/; no ~ than, sama spt, lebih kurang: he is no ~ than a thief, dia sama spt pencuri; o’s ~ feelings, kata hati, hati /kecil, nurani/; the ~ part of, hampir semua; (rel to time) hampir: he ate the ~ part of the pie, dia makan hampir semua pai itu; she spent the ~ part of the day shopping, dia menghabiskan hampir sehari membeli-belah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glory | ~ be!; (colloq) alamak: ~ be! What have you done to yourself?, alamak! Apa yg telah terjadi pd dirimu?; cover with ~, dgn cemerlang, dlm kegemilangan: the team ended the season covered with ~, pasukan itu menghabiskan perlawanan dlm musim ini dgn cemerlang; reflected ~, kemuliaan sso yg merupakan kemuliaannya juga: content to bathe in her son’s reflected ~, she was now happy to take a back seat, berasa puas menikmati kemuliaan anaknya yg merupakan kemuliaannya juga, dia sekarang berasa gembira utk tdk menonjolkan diri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forgetfulness | n disposition to forget, sifat pelupa: look what has happened because of your ~, lihat apa yg telah terjadi krn sifat pelupamu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fill | ~ so. in, memberitahu sso: I don’t know what’s been happening. Can you ~ me in?, saya tdk tahu apa yg terjadi. Boleh beritahu saya?; ~ st in, a. seal crack, small hole, etc, /memalam, menampal/ sst; b. block st (with sand, earth, stones, etc), /menimbus, mengambus/ sst; c. complete st, mengisi sst: to ~ in a form, mengisi borang; d. put in or insert st, mengisikan sst: please ~ in your name and address, sila isikan nama dan alamat tuan; e. pass time, mengisi /masa, waktu/; f. add colour to st, mewarnai sst: he took lots of drawings for the children to ~ in during the journey, dia membawa lukisan yg banyak utk diwarnai oleh anak-anaknya semasa dlm perjalanan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |