dive | vi 1. plunge in head first, terjun menjunam: he ~d from the top of the cliff into the sea, dia terjun menjunam dr atas cenuram ke dlm laut; 2. go under water, menyelam: he ~s for pearls, dia menyelam utk mencari mutiara; 3. move quickly (into or under) menyelinap: the boy ~d under the table when he saw the teacher coming, budak itu menyelinap ke bawah meja apabila dia nampak cikgu datang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jump | vi 1. leap, melompat, meloncat: the cat ~ed onto the table, kucing itu melompat ke atas meja; she ~ed across the stream, dia melompat menyeberangi sungai; he ~ed on his horse and rode away, dia melompat ke atas kudanya lalu pergi; the fish ~ed out of the water, ikan itu melompat keluar dr air; to ~ with joy, melompat-lompat keriangan; 2. leap from a very high place or into a large body of water, terjun: he ~ed from the third floor and miraculously survived, dia terjun dr tingkat tiga dan yg menakjubkan, dia selamat; they ~ed into the muddy river and swam across to the mainland, mereka terjun ke dlm sungai yg berlumpur itu dan berenang ke tanah besar; 3. move hastily (into, out of, etc) bergegas, melompat: at the sound of the alarm, he ~ed out of bed, apabila jam gerak berdering, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
descent | n 1. act of descending, turun: the ~ of the mountain took 3 hours, utk turun dr gunung itu mengambil masa tiga jam; he was injured in a parachute ~, dia tercedera semasa turun dgn payung terjun; 2. slope, cerun: the ~ is too steep, cerun itu terlalu curam; 3. ancestry, keturunan: of Indian ~, dr keturunan India; matrilineal ~, keturunan nasab ibu; 4. decline, kejatuhan: the family’s ~ from wealth to poverty, kejatuhan keluarga itu drpd kaya menjadi miskin; 5. sudden attack, serangan (yg) /mengejut, tiba-tiba/; 6. sudden arrival, kunjungan yg /mengejut, tiba-tiba/; 7. transmission (of property, title) pewarisan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
headlong | adj & adv 1. terus; (downwards) kepala dahulu, menjunam: the terrified animal ran ~ into the bushes, binatang yg ketakutan itu berlari terus ke dlm semak; she plunged ~ into the pool, dia terjun menjunam ke dlm kolam; 2. (fig.) dgn tergesa-gesa: a ~ flight, melarikan diri dgn tergesa-gesa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
escape | vt 1. a. avoid, mengelakkan diri, mengelak drpd: they left for the country to ~ the crowds, mereka pergi ke desa utk mengelakkan diri drpd orang ramai; he dived into a creek to ~ being burnt to death, dia terjun ke dlm caruk utk mengelakkan diri drpd mati terbakar; she was thankful to ~ the responsibility of looking after the children, dia bersyukur krn dapat mengelak drpd menjaga kanak-kanak itu; ~ death, terselamat drpd maut; narrowly ~, nyaris(-nyaris), cemas-cemas, hampir(-hampir): we narrowly ~d being drowned when our boat capsized, kami nyaris-nyaris mati tenggelam semasa bot kami terbalik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hold 1 | ~ back, a. refrain, menahan diri: he held back from voicing an opinion, dia menahan diri drpd menyuarakan pendapatnya; b. be hesitant, teragak-agak: she held back when everyone else dived into the water, dia teragak-agak apabila semua orang terjun ke dlm air; ~ /so., st/ back, a. see vt (sense 3.); b. restrain so., st, menahan /sso, sst/: consideration for his father held him back from making a scene, krn memikirkan bapanya dia menahan dirinya drpd bertengkar; if he wants to do st, nothing will ~ him back, jika dia hendak berbuat sst, tiada apa pun yg dapat menahannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
astonishment | n 1. amazement, kehairanan, rasa hairan: ~ was written on his face, kehairanan terbayang di wajahnya; in ~, dgn hairannya, kehairanan: he looked at me in ~, dia memandang saya dgn rasa hairan; to so’s ~, sso hairan: to my ~, he jumped into the river, saya hairan apabila dia terjun ke dlm sungai itu; 2. cause of amazement, /(sst, sso)/ yg menghairankan: he is a never-ending ~ to his parents, dia sentiasa menghairankan ibu bapanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drop | vt 1. <i>drip, menitikkan: to ~ the medicine into the eye, menitikkan ubat ke dlm mata; 2. cause to fall, menjatuhkan; (accidentally) terjatuh: the child ~ped the glass, budak itu menjatuhkan gelas itu; in her rush she ~ped her purse, dlm tergesa-gesa itu beg duitnya terjatuh; 3. let fall from aircraft, menggugurkan: supplies were ~ped by parachute, bekalan digugurkan dgn payung terjun; 4. leave out, menggugurkan: he ~s his “h’s” when he speaks, dia menggugurkan bunyi “h” semasa bercakap; to ~ a player from a team, menggugurkan seorang pemain drpd pasukan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
group | n 1. number of people or things considered as a unit, kumpulan, kelompok; (of animals, buildings, trees, etc) kelompok: a ~ of students gathered outside the hall, sekumpulan pelajar berkumpul di luar dewan; children in the same age ~, kanak-kanak dlm kumpulan umur yg sama; what blood ~ are you?, apakah kumpulan darah kamu?; Sanskrit belongs to the Indo-European ~ of languages, Sanskrit termasuk dlm kumpulan bahasa Indo-Eropah; we came upon a ~ of monkeys near the waterfall, kami terjumpa sekelompok monyet dekat dgn air terjun; 2. a number of musicians who perform together, kumpulan: the hottest rock ~ in the country, kumpulan rock yg paling hangat di negara ini; 3. (of business companies) kumpulan: the Sime Darby ~, kumpulan Sime Darby; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
catch | vt 1. capture, menangkap: the thief has been caught, pencuri itu sudah ditangkap; to ~ butterflies with a net, menangkap rama-rama dgn tangguk; 2. attract and hold, menarik: the speaker was able to ~ the attention of the audience, penceramah itu telah dapat menarik perhatian para pendengar; 3. grasp st moving, menangkap: he caught the ball easily, dia menangkap bola itu dgn mudah; 4. receive falling object, menyambut: the fireman caught the child as she jumped from the window, ahli bomba itu menyambut kanak-kanak tersebut ketika dia terjun dr tingkap; 5. take in, retain, menadah: small bowls are used to ~ the latex, mangkuk-mangkuk kecil digunakan utk menadah susu getah; 6. hit, kena: the blow caught him in the ribs, tumbukan itu kena pd rusuknya; 7. board, menaiki: to ~ the 8.30 train, menaiki kereta api pukul 8.30; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |