aground | adj & adv terkandas; /be, go, run/ ~, terkandas; run (ship etc) ~, menyebabkan (kapal dll) terkandas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
weather-bound | adj terkandas (perjalanan) krn cuaca buruk: the ship was ~ for three days, kapal itu terkandas krn cuaca buruk selama tiga hari; the ~ travellers had to stay at the hotel, pengembara-pengembara yg terkandas krn cuaca buruk terpaksa menginap di hotel. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut | ~ so. off, a. cause so. to be stranded, (act.) menyebabkan sso terkandas; (pass.) sso terkandas: the men working in the cave were ~ off by the incoming tide, orang-orang yg bekerja di dlm gua itu telah terkandas oleh air yg sedang naik; b. interrrupt so. speaking on the telephone, talian terputus: we were ~ off in the middle of our conversation, talian kami terputus semasa kami sedang berbual; ~ st off, a. behead so., /memenggal, memancung/ sst: the traitor had his head ~ off, pengkhianat itu telah dipenggal kepalanya; b. remove st by cutting, memotong sst; (accidentally) sst terpotong: the butcher ~ off the best part of the meat, penjual daging itu memotong bahagian yg terbaik drpd daging itu; c. see vt (sense 16.); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stormbound | adj terkandas: the ~ travellers found shelter in a forester’s hut, pengembara-pengembara yg terkandas itu mendapat perlindungan di pondok rimba itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ground 1 | vi strike against ground, terkandas: the big ship ~ed in shallow water, kapal besar itu terkandas dlm air yg cetek; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
maroon 1 | 3. ( usu pass. ) isolate, terkandas, terkurung: during the blizzard, he and his family were ~ed in their house, semasa ribut salji, dia dan keluarganya terkandas dlm rumah mereka; hundreds of tourists were ~ed on the isla | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fog-bound | adj 1. unable to operate, move because of fog, terkandas krn /kabut, kabus tebal/; (of airport etc) terkepung oleh kabut: a ~ aircraft, kapal terbang yg terkandas krn kabut; 2. enveloped in, surrounded by fog, /diselubungi, dilitupi/ /kabut, kabus tebal/: the ~ coastline, pinggir laut yg diselubungi kabut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ground 1 | vt 1. cause (ship, boat) to strike against, terkandas: he ~ed his boat on a mudbank, botnya terkandas pd longgokan lumpur; 2. prevent from flying, tdk membenarkan [sst] membuat penerbangan: these helicopters have been ~ed until further tests can been carried out, helikopter-helikopter ini tdk dibenarkan membuat penerbangan sehingga pemeriksaan lanjut dapat dijalankan; 3. teach the basis or main points of, memberikan asas: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
strand 1 | vt (usu pass.), (run aground) dampar; (stopped from continuing) terkandas: the vessel was ~ed on a sandbank, kapal itu terdampar di tebing pasir; he was ~ed in Karachi, dia terkandas di Karachi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fail | vi 1. be unsuccessful, gagal, tdk berjaya; (in examination etc) tdk lulus, gagal, terkandas: the negotiations ~ed, rundingan itu gagal; the visit ~ed in its purpose, lawatan itu gagal mencapai tujuannya; he ~ed in his duty, dia gagal menjalankan tugasnya; 2. stop functioning or working properly, a. (of mechanical device) rosak: the steering suddenly ~ed, stering tiba-tiba rosak; b. (of brakes, clutch) tdk makan; c. (of heart) berhenti berdenyut; d. (of engine) mati; 3. lose power or strength, weaken, (menjadi) lemah; (of health) merosot; (of eyesight) menjadi kabur: the old man’s memory is ~ing, daya ingatan orang tua itu semakin lemah; her strength was beginning to ~ , dia mula menjadi lemah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |