tip1 | on the ~ of o’s tongue, a. on the point of being remembered, memang /tahu,ingat/: the name of the place is on the ~ of my tongue, but I just can’t think of it, saya memang tahu akan nama tempat itu, tetapi buat masa ini saya terlupa; b. just about to be said, sudah hendak terkeluar dr mulut: it was on the ~ of my tongue to tell him the truth, sudah hendak terkeluar dr mulut saya utk memberitahunya perkara yg sebenar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
line 1 | b. speak frankly about st, berterus-terang ttg sst: he laid his intentions on the ~, dia berterus terang ttg hasratnya; on the ~, dlm bahaya: his job with the firm is on the ~, pekerjaannya di syarikat itu dlm bahaya; on the right ~s, berada pd landasan yg betul; out of ~, a. not in a straight row, terkeluar dr barisan: he has gone out of ~ again, dia terkeluar dr barisan lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
line 1 | b. speak frankly about st, berterus-terang ttg sst: he laid his intentions on the ~, dia berterus terang ttg hasratnya; on the ~, dlm bahaya: his job with the firm is on the ~, pekerjaannya di syarikat itu dlm bahaya; on the right ~s, berada pd landasan yg betul; out of ~, a. not in a straight row, terkeluar dr barisan: he has gone out of ~ again, dia terkeluar dr barisan lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
afield | adv 1. usu far ~, far away, jauh: don’t wonder too far ~, jangan merayau terlalu jauh; to go far ~ in search of fortune, pergi jauh utk mencari kekayaan; 2. usu far ~, off the subject, terkeluar drpd tajuk; 3. a. in the field (esp battlefield) di medan perang: the soldiers lived in tents while ~, askar-askar tinggal di khemah semasa di medan perang; b. to the field (esp battlefield) ke medan perang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
position | vt 1. put in particular or appropriate place, meletakkan, menampatkan; (in painting, drawing, etc) melukis: she ~ed the ornaments on the shelf, dia meletakkan barang-barang hiasan itu di atas rak; the figures have been ~ed against a background of rugged mountain, gambar orang-orang itu dilukis berlatarbelakangkan gunung yg berceranggah; 2. locate, mengesan kedudukan [sst]: the aircraft is off-course and is yet to be ~ed, kapal terbang itu telah terkeluar dr laluannya dan mesti dikesan kedudukannya; 3. (usu pass.), (in games etc) put (os)in advantageous position,dlm kedudukan: he is well ~ed to win this set, dia dlm kedudukan yg baik utk memenangi set ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |