in | d. (ref to event) dalam: he was illed ~ the Second World War, dia terkorban dalam Perang Dunia edua; 6. (when ref to so’s age) dalam: the suspect is ~ her early thirties, orang yg disyaki dalam lingkungan umur awal tiga puluhan; 7. within the space or at the end of, dalam (masa): the work must be completed ~ five days, kerja itu mesti disiapkan dalam masa lima hari; I’ll be home ~ half an hour, saya akan balik dalam masa setengah jam lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
kill | vt 1. deprive of life, a. (of person, animal) membunuh; (by catastrophe, accident, etc) mengorbankan, membunuh, menyebabkan /terkorban, terbunuh/: to ~ so. in cold blood, membunuh sso dgn kejam; an explo | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flower | the ~ of the nation, bunga bangsa; in the ~ of o’s /youth, maturity, etc/, pd kemuncak /keremajaan, kematangan, dsb/: he was killed in the ~ of his youth, dia terkorban pd kemuncak keremajaannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crash | n 1. loud, shattering noise, (of glassware, crockery, etc breaking) bunyi derang; (of thunder, guns, etc booming) dentuman, bunyi dentum; (of tree falling) bunyi derak: 2. violent accident, kemalangan, nahas: a train ~, kemalangan kereta api; his parents were killed in a plane ~, ibu bapanya terkorban dlm nahas kapal terbang; 3. collapse, (of share market, business) kejatuhan: the Wall Street ~, kejatuhan pasaran saham Wall Street; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fall | 3. drop in pitch, menurun: her voice rose and fell, suaranya menaik dan menurun; 4. abate, subside, reda: the wind fell, angin telah reda; the flames rose and fell, api itu menjulang dan reda; 5. become lowered, memandang ke bawah: his eyes fell, matanya memandang ke bawah; 6. collapse esp in fragments, runtuh, roboh; 7. hang down, a. (of skirt etc) tergantung: his cloak ~s from the shoulder, jubahnya tergantung dr bahunya; b. (of hair) terjurai, mengurai: her hair ~s loosely, rambutnya terjurai lepas; 8. be killed, gugur, terkorban: those who fell in the war, mereka yg gugur di medan perang; 9. slope downwards, melandai: the land ~s towards the sea, tanah itu melandai ke arah laut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
count 1 | n 1. act of counting, pengiraan, penghitungan: after the first ~ he knew he had won, selepas pengiraan pertama, dia tahu dia telah menang; by my ~, eleven of the chicks have already died, mengikut pengiraan saya sebelas ekor anak ayam itu talah mati; bon a ~ of /three, five, etc/ selepas sso mengira /tiga, lima, dll/: on a ~ of three, I want everyone to stand up, selepas saya mengira tiga, saya mahu semua orang bangun; 2. level, kiraan: his blood ~ was low, kiraan sel darahnya rendah; 3. figure, angka: the official ~ was 102 but the newspaper claimed that at least 300 people had died, angka rasmi ialah 102 tetapi akhbar itu mendakwa bahawa sekurang-kurangnya 300 orang telah terkorban; 4. (boxing) mengira; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
All | ~ the more so, lebih-lebih lagi, apa(tah) lagi: he enjoys visiting Malaysia, ~ the more so if durians are in season, dia suka mengunjungi Malaysia, lebih-lebih lagi kalau durian sedang bermusim; ~ the same, a. unimportant, tdk menjadi hal: it’s ~ the same to me whether he lives or dies, tdk menjadi hal bagi saya sama ada dia hidup atau mati; b. nevertheless, juga, walaupun begitu, namun (begitu): the weather was terrible, but the ceremony went ahead ~ the same, cuaca buruk sekali, tetapi upacara itu diteruskan juga; c. (in expression of thanks), [not translated]: “Would you like to smoke?” “No, thanks ~ the same.”, “Mahu rokok?” “Tidak, terima kasih.”; ~ the time, a. continuouslyi, tdk berhenti-henti; (fml) senantiasa: he practises ~ the time, dia tdk berhenti-henti berlatih; b. see ALONG; ~ told, a. in total, (ke)semuanya: ~ told, 25 people lost their lives, semuanya 25 orang telah terkorban; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |