dies1 | vi 1. (of person) a. (gen) mati: to ~ in battle, mati dlm peperangan; the criminal ~d in his cell,, penjenayah itu mati dlm bilik penjaranya; to ~ of old age, mati tua; b. ( polite) meninggal dunia; c. (coarse) mampus, kojol; d. (of royalty) mangkat; e. (of prophet) wafat; 2. (of animal, plant) mati; 3. (of non-material things) perish, be lost, luput, lenyap; (of love etc) padam, luput, lenyap; (of secret) terkubur: fame that will never ~, kemasyhuran yg tdk akan luput; her secret ~d with her, rahsianya terkubur bersamanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
entomb | (usu pass.), (fml) vt 1. bury a. (in a tomb) dimakamkan: his body was ~ed in the family vault, jenazahnya dimakamkan dlm permakaman keluarga itu; b. (as if in a tomb) terkubur: several men were ~ed in the heap of rubble, beberapa orang terkubur dlm timbunan reruntuhan itu; 2. serve as tomb for, menjadi makam (utk): the desert ~ed his remains for fifty years, padang pasir itu menjadi makam jasadnya selama lima puluh tahun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |