Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ter.kum.pul] | ترکومڤول

Definisi : terhimpun (menjadi banyak atau sekelompok): hasil drpd pungutan derma itu banyak wang sudah ~; air hujan yg ~ di atas muka bumi meresap masuk ke dlm tanah; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[ter.kum.pul] | ترکومڤول

Definisi : sudah dikumpulkan; terhimpun; terlonggok: Setelah ~ semuanya, telur penyu itu pun dibawa orang ke pasar. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Kata Terbitan : berkumpul, mengumpulkan, terkumpul, kumpulan, perkumpulan, pengumpulan, pengumpul,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

accumulatedadj 1. (gen) terkumpul: the ~ grime of years, kotoran yg terkumpul bertahun-tahun; the heat ~ in the body, haba yg terkumpul di dlm tubuh; 2. (of wealth, fortune, etc) terkumpul, terhimpun: ~ riches, kekayaan yg terkumpul; the ~ spoils of the Huns, hasil jarahan orang Hun yg terkumpul; 3. (of knowledge, experience) terkumpul; 4. (econ) terkumpul: ~ depreciation, susut nilai terkumpul; ~ dividend, dividen terkumpul; ~ fund, dana terkumpul.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
accumulation4. accumulated mass, a. (of st amassed) terkumpul: an ~ of wealth, kekayaan yg terkumpul; an ~ of knowledge, ilmu pengetahuan yg terkumpul; b. (of st collected) himpunan, terkumpul: an ~ of evidence, bukti-bukti yg terkumpul; an ~ of books, himpunan buku; c. (of st that has collected) terkumpul: the winter’s ~ of snow, salji yg terkumpul pd musim sejuk; an ~ of leaves in the gutter, daun-daun yg terkumpul di dlm talang; d. (of st heaped) timbunan, longgokan; 5. (econ) pengumpulan: ~ of capital, pengumpulan modal.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
amassvi terkumpul: mud and silt ~ed in a heap at the river mouth, lumpur dan lanar terkumpul dlm satu timbunan di muara sungai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
agglomeratevi 1. collect in a mass, terkumpul; (of people) berkumpul: the silt will ~ and block the entrance to the harbour, kelodak akan terkumpul dan menyekat jalan masuk ke pelabuhan; all sorts of junk has ~d in the antique shop, segala macam barang lama terkumpul di kedai antik itu; immigrants who ~d in certain areas of town, imigran-imigran yg berkumpul di kawasan-kawasan tertentu di bandar; 2. (tech) beraglomerat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
collectedadj 1. self-possessed, calm, tenang; 2. gathered together, terkumpul: the ~ works of Shakespeare, karya-karya terkumpul oleh Shakespeare.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
agglomeratevt 1. cause to collect in a mass, menyebabkan [sst] terkumpul, mengumpulkan: the flooding river ~d mud on its banks, air sungai yg melimpah itu menyebabkan lumpur terkumpul di tebing-tebingnya; 2. (tech) mengaglomeratkan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dividendn 1. (commerce) dividen: accumulated ~, dividen terkumpul; 2. (math ), (angka) yg dibahagi, dividen: the company paid a ~ of 10%, syarikat itu membayar dividen sebanyak 10%;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
collectvi 1. gather together, berkumpul: a crowd ~ed in small groups around the arena, orang ramai berkumpul berkelompok-kelompok di keliling arena itu; cows ~ing outside a milking shed, lembu-lembu yg berkumpul di luar bangsal perah susu; 2. accumulate, a. (of dust, leaves, etc) terkumpul: dust ~ed on the ledge, habuk terkumpul di atas belebas; b. (of water) terkumpul; (in stagnant state) bertakung: water from three rivers ~s in the dam, air dr tiga buah sungai terkumpul di empangan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
disposed. (by throwing away) membuang: she persuaded her husband to ~ of the rubbish which had accumulated in the store room, dia memujuk suaminya supaya membuang sampah yg terkumpul di bilik stor; e. (by killing) membunuh; f. (in sport, competition) menewaskan, mengalahkan; g. (argument) mematahkan: as the arguments put forward were untenable, they were easily ~d of, oleh sebab hujah-hujah yg dikemukakan tdk dapat dipertahankan, hujah-hujah itu dapat dipatahkan dgn mudah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
collectionn 1. act of, a. (calling for, receiving rent, taxes, etc) pemungutan; b. (fetching) pengambilan, mengambil: the ~ of mail is at 8 a.m., mel diambil pd pukul 8 pagi; 2. st collected, koleksi: he has a fine ~ of paintings, dia mempunyai koleksi lukisan yg baik; his ~ of butterflies, koleksi kupu-kupunya; the spring ~ for this year, koleksi musim bunga utk tahun ini; 3. anthology, kumpulan: a ~ of short stories, kumpulan cerpen; 4. money collected at meeting etc, (jumlah) pungutan; 5. st that has collected together, terkumpul, himpunan: the ~ of soot in the chimney, jelaga yg terkumpul dlm serombong; a ~ of rubbish, himpunan sampah-sarap; 6. time postman empties post box, waktu mengambil surat: when is the next ~?, bilakah waktu mengambil surat selepas ini?.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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