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Kata Terbitan : berlanggar, melanggar, terlanggar, pelanggaran, pelanggar,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

back~ into, hit while backing, terlanggar [n] sewaktu /berundur, mundur, mengundur, mengundurkan + approp n/: I ~ed into the gate this morning, saya terlanggar pintu pagar sewaktu mengundurkan kereta saya pagi tadi; ~ st into st, a. see vt (sense 1.); b. hit st against (st) while backing, /terlanggar, melanggar/ set sewaktu mengundurkan + approp n: he screamed when he heard that his wife had ~ed their new Toyota into a lamp-post, dia menjerit apabila mendapati isterinya terlanggar tiang lampu sewaktu mengundurkan Toyota baru mereka;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
crashvt 1. smash, menghempaskan: she ~ed the picture down on the floor, dia menghempaskan gambar itu ke lantai; 2. collide violently, (deliberately) melanggarkan; (accidentally) terlanggar: he ~ed his van into our front gate, vannya terlanggar pintu pagar depan kami; 3. be involved in an accident, berlanggar: he ~ed his new car yesterday, kereta barunya berlanggar semalam;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bang1~ against st, a. strike against st, terhantuk pd sst: his knees ~ed against the side of the table, lututnya terhantuk pd tepi meja itu; b. collide with st, terlanggar sst: the car skidded, ~ed against my garden wall and burst into flames, kereta itu terbabas, terlanggar tembok taman saya dan terbakar; ~ st against, strike st against, a. (when “st” is part of body) menghantukkan sst pd; (accidentally) terhantuk pd: the baby threw a tantrum and ~ed his head against the side of the cot, bayi itu mengamuk dan menghantuk-hantukkan kepalanya pd dinding katilnya; straightening up too suddenly, he ~ed his head against a low beam, apabila dia tiba-tiba saja menegakkan badannya, kepalanya terhantuk pd alang yg rendah; b. (when “st” is a whole obj) menghentamkan sst pd: he ~ed his satchel angrily against the locker, dgn marah, dia menghentamkan beg sekolahnya pd almari kecil itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
confessionn 1. admission, pengakuan; (leg.) pengakuan salah: the criminal made a full ~, penjenayah itu membuat pengakuan sepenuhnya; I’ve a ~ to make – I knocked over your vase while dusting the table, ada pengakuan yg hendak saya buat – saya terlanggar vas kamu semasa menyapu-nyapu habuk di atas meja; a ~ of faith, pengakuan kepercayaan; 2. acknowledgement of sins, pengakuan dosa: the priest is ready to hear ~, paderi itu bersedia mendengar pengakuan dosa.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
backvi 1. move backward, (ber)undur, mengundur, mundur: the animal ~ed slowly, binatang itu berundur dgn perlahan-lahan; 2. move st backwards, mengundurkan + approp n: he hit the dustbin as he was ~ing, dia terlanggar tong sampah sewaktu mengundurkan keretanya; 3. (of wind) berkisar lawan jam;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
crumplevi often ~ up, 1. become creased or crushed up, ronyok, renyuk, berkedut; (of st made of metal) remuk: this material ~s easily, kain ini mudah ronyok; the wing ~d when the plane hit the tower, sayap kapal terbang itu remuk apabila terlanggar menara; 2. collapse, rebah: he ~d up suddenly under the strain, dia rebah dgn tiba-tiba krn terlalu penat; 3. lose strength to fight, give way, patah semangat; (of enemy forces, resistance, etc) tumpas: he ~d up on hearing the bad news, dia patah semangat apabila mendengar berita buruk itu; 4. (of face) berkerut-kerut: her face ~d up, and she began to cry, mukanya berkerut-kerut dan dia mula menangis;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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