lay 1 | ~ so. up, (colloq), (usu pass.) sso terlantar di + approp n: he was laid up for some months after the accident, dia terlantar di katil beberapa bulan selepas kemalangan itu; ~ st up, a. save fuel, supplies, etc, menyimpan sst: squirrels usually ~ up nuts for the winter, tupai biasanya menyimpan kekeras utk musim sejuk; b. (vehicle) sst terlantar: my car has been laid up for the past few weeks, kereta saya telah terlantar buat beberapa minggu yg lalu; ~ st up (for os), mencari sst: you’re only ~ing up trouble by not seeing to it immediately, kamu hanya mencari susah kalau tdk membaikinya segera. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bedridden | adj terlantar sakit di katil. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
high | ~ and dry, a. out of the water, tersadai: the outgoing tide left the boat ~ and dry, air surut menyebabkan bot itu tersadai; b. abandoned, ignored, terlantar: his friends left him ~ and dry when all his fortune was spent, kawan-kawannya membiarkannya terlantar apabila semua hartanya telah habis; ~ and mighty, angkuh, sombong: a ~ and mighty attitude, sikap yg angkuh; ~ colour, muka sso merah; ~ noon, tengah hari /terik, buta/; at ~ speed, dgn amat laju; the Most H~, Tuhan (Yg Maha Tinggi); (in Islam) Allah (Yg Maha Tinggi); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
confine | vt 1. limit, restrict, (act.) membatasi; (pass) terbatas: please ~ your remarks to matters you know well, tolong batasi komen kamu kpd hal-hal yg kamu tahu dgn mendalam sahaja; this belief is not ~d to any one class, kepercayaan ini tdk terbatas pd mana-mana kelas; 2. a. keep (as in a prison) mengurung: he was ~d to a mental institution, dia dikurung dlm rumah sakit otak; she left because she couldn’t stand being ~d in the office all day, dia berhenti kerja krn tdk tahan dikurung di pejabat sepanjang hari; b. keep (in some other restricted place), (act.) menyebabkan [sso] terpaksa + approp v; (pass.), [sso] terpaksa + approp v; (in bed), (act.) menyebabkan [sso] terlantar; (pass.), [sso] terlantar: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
confine | the accident ~d him to a wheelchair, kemalangan itu menyebabkan dia terpaksa menggunakan kerusi roda; due to the backlog of work after the holidays, he was ~d to his desk for the whole week, disebabkan tunggakan kerja selepas musim percutian tersebut, dia terpaksa duduk di mejanya selama seminggu itu; she was ~d to bed by a bad cold, dia terlantar di katil akibat demam selesema yg teruk; 3. hold back, membendung: we did what we could to ~ the disease to that one state, kami berusaha sedaya upaya utk membendung penyakit itu supaya terbatas kpd negeri tersebut sahaja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
condemn | b. (of building) mengisytiharkan tdk selamat utk didiami; (of food) mengisytiharkan tdk sesuai dimakan: the meat has been ~ed, daging itu diisytiharkan tdk sesuai dimakan; 5. force into a particular state or activity, (act.) menyebabkan [sso] terpaksa; (pass.) terpaksa: a spinal injury ~ed him to his bed, kecederaan tulang belakang menyebabkan dia terpaksa terlantar di katil; an old woman, ~ed to a life of loneliness, perempuan tua yg terpaksa hidup keseorangan.] | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
back | ~ to ~, saling membelakangi, berbelakang-belakangan; ~ to front, terbalik: he had his shirt on ~ to front, dia memakai kemejanya terbalik; at the ~, di belakang, di sebelah belakang; at the ~ of (st), a. di belakang (sst): at the ~ of the house, di belakang rumah itu; b. (fig.), (berada) di belakang: the mastermind at the ~ of the plot, dalang di belakang komplot itu; be (flat) on o’s ~, terlantar di katil; behind so’s ~, di belakang sso: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |