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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata terlebih 1

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

forethoughtn 1. prior thought, consideration, berfikir terlebih dulu: I wish I’d had the ~ to bring my umbrella!, kalaulah saya berfikir terlebih dahulu dan membawa payung!; 2. prudence, sikap berhati-hati: her ~ enabled us to live within our means, sikapnya yg berhati-hati membolehkan kami hidup dgn apa yg ada.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
calculableadj 1. computable, dapat /dikira, dihitung/: ~ losses, kerugian yg dapat dikira; 2. ascertainable beforehand, estimable, dapat diperhitungkan (terlebih dahulu): the effects of o’s actions are not always ~, kesan-kesan tindakan sso tdk selalunya dapat diperhitungkan terlebih dahulu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
beforehandadv 1. in anticipation, (ter)lebih dahulu: you ought to have told me all this ~, sepatutnya saudara sudah memberitahu saya semua ini terlebih dahulu; please let us know your plans ~, harap beritahu kami rancangan tuan lebih dahulu; 2. (in reference to payment) dahulu: they paid him ~, mereka membayar gaji kepadanya dahulu; be ~ with (st), awal + approp v (sst): she is always ~ with the rent, dia selalu awal membayar sewa; 3. early, awal: to come an hour ~, datang satu jam awal; it’s a good thing to be ~ with your packing, baiklah berkemas-kemas awal.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
elaboratevt 1. work out in detail, memperincikan, mengerjakan [sst] secara terperinci: this proposal needs to be ~d before we can consider it, cadangan ini perlu diperincikan terlebih dahulu, baru kami boleh mempertimbangkannya; 2. expand, mengembangkan; (to perfection) menyempurnakan: it took Darwin many years to ~ his theory of evolution, Darwin mengambil masa bertahun-tahun utk mengembangkan teori evolusinya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
immersevt 1. dip, merendam; (face, head) membenamkan: she ~d the clothes in soapy water, dia merendam kain-kain itu dlm air sabun; the eggs must first be ~d in a salt solution, telur-telur itu hendaklah terlebih dahulu direndam dlm air garam; he ~d the boy’s head in the water, dia membenamkan epala budak itu dlm air; lie ~d in st, (of person, animal) berendam; 2. baptize by immersion, membaptis;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
approbationn (fml) 1. approval, commendation, (mem)perkenan; (preceded by “nod”, “smile”, etc) tanda berkenan: we hope our efforts meet with your ~, kami harap usaha kami akan tuan perkenan; his quick action earned him the ~ of his superior, tindakannya yg cepat itu diperkenan oleh ketuanya; a nod of ~, mengangguk tanda berkenan; 2. official approval, kebenaran, keizinan; (of royalty) perkenan(an): we must first obtain the ~ of the authorities, kita harus terlebih dahulu mendapat kebenaran pihak berkuasa; the legislation received the royal ~, undang-undang itu mendapat perkenan diraja.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ladyn 1. woman of good breeding and social status, wanita drpd keluarga atasan; 2. well-mannered woman, wanita (yg) baik-baik: she’s certainly not a ~ judging by the way she behaves, drpd tingkah lakunya jelas bahawa dia bukan wanita baik-baik; 3. (in polite use) woman, wanita: I’ll ask the ~ upstairs to water my plant, saya akan meminta tolong wanita di tingkat atas menyiram bunga saya; she’s insisted on being seen by a ~ doctor, dia berkeras hendak berjumpa doktor wanita sahaja; 4. (as form of address) a. (fml) puan: ladies and gentlemen, may I begin by saying..., tuan-tuan dan puan-puan, terlebih dahulu saya mengucapkan...; b. (colloq) mak cik, kak: hey ~, you left your bag behind, kak, kak tertinggal beg;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
advancen 1. forward movement, kemaraan: to check the enemy’s ~, menyekat kemaraan musuh; 2. (ref to passage of time) a. (of age) kelanjutan: the ~ of old age, kelanjutan umur; b. (of night) kelarutan; 3. spread (of disease, epidemic) merebaknya; 4. progress, kemajuan: recent ~s in science, kemajuan-kemajuan dlm bidang sains akhir-akhir ini; 5. (rare) rise (in wages, price, etc) kenaikan: an ~ in the cost of living, kenaikan kos sara hidup; 6. also advance payment, payment beforehand, a. (in part), (bayaran) pendahuluan; b. (in full) bayaran sepenuhnya terlebih dahulu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
advancen 1. forward movement, kemaraan: to check the enemy’s ~, menyekat kemaraan musuh; 2. (ref to passage of time) a. (of age) kelanjutan: the ~ of old age, kelanjutan umur; b. (of night) kelarutan; 3. spread (of disease, epidemic) merebaknya; 4. progress, kemajuan: recent ~s in science, kemajuan-kemajuan dlm bidang sains akhir-akhir ini; 5. (rare) rise (in wages, price, etc) kenaikan: an ~ in the cost of living, kenaikan kos sara hidup; 6. also advance payment, payment beforehand, a. (in part), (bayaran) pendahuluan; b. (in full) bayaran sepenuhnya terlebih dahulu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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