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lepas (adjektif)
1. Bersinonim dengan bebas: ucul, merdeka,
Berantonim dengan terikat

2. Bersinonim dengan lari: bebas, lucut, tanggal, lolos, londeh, lulus,

3. Bersinonim dengan lalu: lampau
Berantonim dengan sekarang

Kata Terbitan : selepas, selepas-lepas, berlepas, melepas, melepasi, melepaskan, terlepas, lepasan, kelepasan, pelepasan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

fallibleadj 1. (of person) tdk terlepas drpd membuat kesilapan: all men are ~, manusia tdk terlepas drpd membuat kesilapan; 2. (of judgement, information, etc ) boleh silap.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cheatvt 1. deceive, swindle, menipu: he ~ed his clients, dia menipu pelanggan-pelanggannya; 2. escape, elude, terlepas drpd: to ~ death, terlepas drpd maut.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
escapevi 1. get away, a. (from imprisonment, enclosed space, pursuer), /melarikan, melepaskan/ diri; (of animal) terlepas, lepas lari: they tried to ~ from prison but were recaptured, mereka mencuba melarikan diri dr penjara tetapi ditangkap semula; I managed to ~ from the burning building by jumping from the first floor, saya dapat melepaskan diri dr bangunan yg terbakar itu dgn melompat dr tingkat satu; the dog ~d when I opened the door, anjing itu terlepas semasa saya membuka pintu; b. (from a situation), /melepaskan, melarikan/ diri: taking drugs is just a way of escaping from reality, mengambil dadah hanyalah satu jalan utk melepaskan diri drpd kenyataan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hold 1 n 1. grasp, pegangan: the cup slipped from his ~ and smashed on to the floor, cawan itu terlepas drpd pegangannya dan terhempas ke lantai; you must not relax your ~ even for a second, jangan lepaskan pegangan kamu walau sesaat pun; /catch, grab, seize, etc/ ~ of, menyambar: he caught ~ of the rope and hung on, dia menyambar tali itu dan bergantung padanya; /keep, have, take/ ~ of, memegang: keep ~ of his hand even if he struggles, pegang tangannya walaupun dia meronta;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fallibilityn 1. (of person) perihal tdk terlepas drpd membuat kesilapan; 2. (of judgement, information, etc) boleh silap.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
generalizationn 1. act of drawing general conclusions, pengitlakan, membuat /anggapan umum, generalisasi/: ~ can lead one to overlook important details, membuat generalisasi boleh menyebabkan sso terlepas perhatian ttg butir-butir penting; 2. general statement, inference, principle, etc, generalisasi, anggapan umum: his essay is marred by too many ~s, eseinya dicacati oleh generalisasi yg terlalu banyak.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
insignificantadj 1. having little importance, tdk penting: he holds an ~ position in the company, dia memegang jawatan yg tdk penting dlm syarikat itu; a shy, ~ looking man, lelaki yg pemalu dan kelihatan tdk penting; 2. small, kecil: it was an ~ error, and easily missed, kesilapan itu kecil, dan mudah terlepas perhatian; the crime itself was ~, but the consequences were disastrous, perbuatan jenayah itu kecil tetapi akibatnya membawa kecelakaan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
extricatevt 1. free (so., st) from a trap etc, mengeluarkan: the rescue team took about an hour to ~ the pilot from the wreckage, pasukan penyelamat mengambil masa selama lebih sejam utk mengeluarkan juruterbang itu dr bangkai kapal terbang; 2. free (so., st) from a difficult situation, (act.) melepaskan, membebaskan; (pass.) terlepas, bebas: she had to lie to ~ herself from the difficult situation, dia terpaksa berbohong utk melepaskan diri drpd situasi yg sulit itu; ~ os from, /melepaskan, membebaskan/ diri /dr, drpd/: the bird could ~ itself from the net, burung itu tdk dapat melepaskan dirinya dr jaring itu; she would dearly love to ~ herself from the unhappy relationship, dia ingin sekali membebaskan dirinya drpd perhubungan yg tdk bahagia itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
crashvi 1. (of aircraft) have violent, noisy accident, jatuh terhempas; 2. fall or hit st noisily, (of glassware, crockery, etc) jatuh berderang; (of structure, rock, etc) jatuh berderak; (of wave) berdebur: the glass slipped from his hand and ~ed to the floor, gelas itu terlepas dr tangannya lalu jatuh berderang ke lantai; 3. move noisily and violently, meluru merempuh: the wild boar ~ed through the undergrowth, babi hutan itu meluruh merempuh semak; 4. make loud shattering noise, (of applause, drums, etc) bergemuruh; (of thunder) berdentum; 5. collapse, jatuh: many companies ~ed during the economic recession, banyak syarikat yg jatuh semasa kemelesetan ekonomi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
breakvt 1. shatter a. (deliberately) memecahkan: he picked up an iron bar and broke the window, dia mengambil sebatang besi dan memecahkan tingkap itu; b. (accidentally) pecah, menyebabkan [sst] pecah: she dropped a saucer and broke it, sebiji piring jatuh terlepas dr tangannya lalu pecah; a stone broke the windshield, cermin depan kereta itu pecah terkena batu; c. (fig.) memecahkan: the disagreement broke the party into two camps, perselisihan itu memecahkan parti menjadi dua golongan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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