Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

easterlyadj 1. in the east, di timur: the most ~ town in the state, bandar yg terletak di timur sekali di negeri itu; 2. from the east, dr timur: ~ gales, angin kencang dr timur; ~ wind, angin timur(an); 3. towards the east, ke (arah) timur: in an ~ direction, ke arah timur;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
angle 1 at an ~, [various translations]: pictures hung at an ~, gambar yg tergantung senget; the house stands at an ~ to the street, rumah itu terletak menyerong ke jalan; inclined at an ~ of 45 degrees, condong 45 darjah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
allurementn 1. st that allures, tarikan: the ~ of city life, tarikan kehidupan kota; 2. charm, daya /penarik, tarikan/: her ~ is in her style, daya tarikannya terletak pd gayanya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
blamen 1. censure, celaan: he desired neither praise nor ~, dia tdk mengingini pujian atau celaan; 2. responsibility for a fault, tanggungjawab (atas sst): the ~ lies with me, tanggungjawab atas kesalahan itu terletak di bahu saya; /bear, take/ the ~, sanggup /dipersalahkan, dipertanggungjawabkan/: I’ll take the ~ for what has happened, saya sanggup dipertanggungjawabkan atas apa yg berlaku; /put, lay, throw/ the ~ for st on so., menyalahkan sso krn sst;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
eminencen 1. position of superiority, (kedudukan yg) /terkemuka, terbilang, unggul/: he is a man of some ~ in the political sphere, dia orang yg mempunyai kedudukan yg terkemuka dlm bidang politik; he has now reached a position of ~, sekarang dia telah mencapai kedudukan yg terkemuka; 2. piece of rising ground, tempat yg tinggi: the fort stood on an ~, kota itu terletak di tempat yg tinggi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
guiltn 1. culpability, kebersalahan, bersalah: the fingerprints proved his ~, cap jari itu membuktikan kebersalahannya or cap jari itu membuktikan bahawa dia bersalah; /admit, confess/ o’s ~, mengaku (ber)salah; 2. blame, responsibility for st wrong, kesalahan: when a young boy turns to drugs, the ~ does not lie entirely with his parents, apabila seseorang budak mengambil dadah kesalahan itu tdk terletak pd ibu bapa semata-mata; 3. feeling of having done st wrong, rasa bersalah: he had to live with his ~, dia terpaksa hidup dgn menanggung rasa bersalah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
elevationn 1. act of moving to higher position, pengangkatan, penaikan, mengangkat, menaikkan; 2. act of causing to rise, penaikan, menaikkan; 3.act of making higher, peninggian; 4. act of appointing, pengangkatan; 5. (RC) pengangkatan; 6. height, a. (altitude esp above sea-level) ketinggian, aras tinggi: the hotel is located at an ~ of 3,000 metres, hotel itu terletak pd ketinggian 3,000 meter;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cluen 1. piece of evidence used by the police etc to solve a mystery, bukti: the police have found a ~ to the murder, polis telah mendapat bukti berkaitan dgn pembunuhan itu; 2. any information, evidence that helps one to solve a problem, mystery, etc, kunci: the ~ to solving our shortage of skilled labour lies in training programme, kunci utk menyelesaikan masalah kekurangan tenaga kerja mahir kita terletak dlm rancangan latihan; please give me another ~, tolong beri saya satu kunci lagi; 3. (in crossword) petunjuk;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ambitn 1. extent of action, influence etc, lingkungan, bidang (+ approp n ): such matters are not within the ~ of your duties, perkara-perkara begitu tdk termasuk dlm lingkungan tugas saudara; misconception as to the ~ of this legislation, salah tanggapan thdp lingkungan undang-undang ini; 2. circumference, lingkungan: within the ~ of a kilometre, dlm lingkungan satu kilometer; 3. boundary, limits, sempadan: the land that lies within the ~ of the kingdom, kawasan yg terletak dlm sempadan negara itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
equallyadv 1. to an equal degree or in an equal manner, sama [adj], sama-sama [v]: they are ~ rich, mereka sama kaya; the two are ~ responsible for the failure, kedua-dua mereka sama-sama bertanggungjawab atas kegagalan itu; divide st ~, membahagikan sst sama banyak: his estate was divided ~ among his five children, harta pusakanya dibahagikan sama banyak antara lima orang anaknya; 2. in equal shares or parts, sama banyak: the burden of responsibility lies ~ upon all of us, beban tanggungjawab terletak sama banyak atas kita; they shared the work ~ between them, mereka berkongsi kerja itu sama banyak antara mereka; 3. at the same time, by the same token, pd masa yg sama.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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