Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

involvedadj 1. (complicated) rumit; (difficult to understand) sukar /difahami, dimengerti/: he told us a long, ~ story about his troubles, dia menceritakan kisah yg panjang dan sukar difahami ttg masalahnya; 2. implicated, terlibat, terbabit: the police alleged that he was ~ in the kidnapping, polis mengatakan dia terlibat dlm penculikan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
affectedadj 1. emotionally moved, terharu: she was too ~ to speak, dia sungguh terharu sehingga tdk dapat bercakap; 2. adversely acted upon, terjejas: medical supplies were airdropped in the ~ areas, bekalan perubatan digugurkan dr udara ke tempat-tempat yg terjejas; 3. involved, terlibat: only those ~ are required to report to headquarters, mereka yg terlibat sahaja yg perlu melaporkan diri di ibu pejabat.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
entanglevt (usu pass.) 1.a. cause to become caught, terperangkap, tersangkut: the fish were ~d in the net, ikan-ikan itu terperangkap dlm jala; b. cause to become twisted or tangled, terbelit: her hair became ~d in the branches, rambutnya terbelit pd dahan-dahan itu;the fishing-line got ~d in the weeds, tali kail itu terbelit pd rumpai; 2. a. involve (so. or os) in difficulties or unfavourable circumstances, terjebak: they became ~d in the intricacies of the problem, mereka terjebak dlm kekusutan masalah itu; b. involve (so., os) in a relationship, terlibat:he warned her not to get herself ~d with money-lenders, dia mengingatkannya supaya jangan terlibat dgn pemberi hutang.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
labourn 1. physical or mental, exertion work, kerja: I did not realize how much ~ would be involved, saya tdk menyedari banyaknya kerja yg terlibat; he was sentenced to two years hard ~, dia dijatuhi hukuman kerja berat selama dua tahun; manual ~, kerja manual; division of ~, pembahagian kerja; 2. particular piece of work (esp difficult), (be)kerja (keras): he began to see the result of his ~s, dia mula nampak hasil kerja kerasnya; 3. workers as a class, buruh, pekerja: skilled and unskilled ~, pekerja mahir dan tdk mahir; 4. pains of childbirth, pelahiran: to induce ~, mencetuskan pelahiran; ~ pains, sakit pelahiran; be in ~, sakit hendak bersalin;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
affect 1 vt 1. act upon esp adversely, (act.) menjejaskan; (pass.) terjejas: the dry season ~ed the rice crop, musim kemarau menjejaskan hasil padi; heavy rain did not ~ the attendance at the match, hujan lebat tdk menjejaskan kehadiran penonton di perlawanan itu; smoking ~s health, merokok menjejaskan kesihatan; 2. involve, concern, (act.) melibatkan; (pass.) terlibat: this order ~s all public servants, perintah ini melibatkan semua kakitangan awam; these restrictions ~ canned food particularly, sekatan-sekatan ini melibatkan makanan dlm tin khususnya; a decision that ~s me personally, keputusan yg melibatkan saya secara peribadi; 3. influence, mempengaruhi: soil conditions ~ plant growth, keadaan tanah mempengaruhi pertumbuhan tanaman; facts that ~ed the findings, fakta-fakta yg mempengaruhi kesimpulan yg dicapai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
graft 2 n 1. (esp US) corruption, rasuah: the journalist accused the ex-minister of ~, wartawan itu membuat tuduhan bahawa bekas menteri itu terlibat dlm rasuah; 2. (UK) hard work, kerja keras.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
apartadj 1. individual, distinct, tersendiri: a race ~, bangsa yg tersendiri; 2. divided, divergent, berbeza dr segi pendapat: the parties involved in the negotiations are still miles ~, pihak-pihak yg terlibat dlm perundingan itu masih jauh berbeza dr segi pendapat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
compromisevt 1. cause people to have doubts about so., st, (act.) membuat orang mencurigai; (pass.) dicurigai: the candidate for the presidential race was ~d by his involvement in the scandal, calon presiden itu dicurigai krn terlibat dlm skandal; to ~ o’s principles, membuat orang mencurigai prinsip sso; 2. endanger, weaken, (act.) menjejaskan; (pass.) terjejas: such action would only ~ our position, tindakan spt itu hanya akan menjejaskan kedudukan kita;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
exportn 1. st exported, eksport: tin is one of our biggest ~s, timah adalah salah satu eksport utama kita; 2. (business of) exporting, pengeksportan; (attrib) eksport: the company is engaged in the ~ of rubber gloves, syarikat itu terlibat dlm eksport sarung tangan getah; our ~ earnings rose last year, perolehan eksport kita meningkat tahun lalu; ~ duty, duti eksport;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dotvt 1. place dot over, membubuh titik pd, menitik: to ~ the “i”s, membubuh titik pd huruf-huruf “i”; ~ /the, o’s/ i’s and cross /the, o’s/ t’s, approp v + dgn teliti: the boss is very fussy; you’ll have to learn to ~ your i’s and cross your t’s, bos itu sangat cerewet; kamu mesti bekerja dgn teliti; 2. mark with dots, membubuh titik pd: he ~ted the area affected by the floods, dia membubuh titik pd kawasan yg terlibat dgn banjir: 3. cover with st resembling dots, (usu pass.) bertaburan di: the night sky was ~ted with millions of stars, berjuta-juta bintang bertaburan di langit malam;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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