escape | 2. a. be forgotten by, terlupa, tdk ingat: his name ~s me, saya terlupa namanya; b. be unnoticed by, terlepas drpd: from what I’ve heard nothing ~s her attention, daripada apa yg saya dengar tdk ada apa-apa yg terlepas drpd perhatiannya; 3. articulated involuntarily, terlepas: a sigh ~d her lips, keluhan terlepas dr bibirnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forgetful | adj 1. inclined to forget, pelupa: she’s rather ~, dia agak pelupa; 2. heedless, be neglectful (of st) terlupa: ~ of the time, Peter continued listening to the music, terlupa akan waktu, Peter terus mendengar muzik; she enjoyed herself, ~ of her responsibilities, dia berseronok-seronok hingga terlupa akan tanggungjawabnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forget | vt 1. fail to remember, lupa; (usu momentarily or suddenly, rarely used with negatives) terlupa, lupa; (wilfully) melupakan: he never ~s the names of his students, dia tdk pernah lupa nama penuntut-penuntutnya; I’ve forgotten how to speak Mandarin, saya sudah lupa bagaimana bertutur dlm bahasa Mandarin; have you forgotten that you have already posted it?, sudahkah kamu lupa bahawa kamu sudah mengirimkannya?; she forgot to return the book, dia terlupa memulangkan buku itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forget | ~ about, a. see vi; b. fail to remember (st or doing st), (ter)lupa: he forgot about his wife’s birthday, dia terlupa hari jadi isterinya; I forgot about not parking in front of the door, saya terlupa bahawa tdk boleh meletakkan kereta di depan pintu; c. intentionally put out of o’s mind, melupakan: you can ~ about going to the restaurant tonight: I’ve lost my wallet!, lupakan saja rancangan kita utk pergi ke restoran malam ini: beg duit saya hilang!; I tried to ~ about him, but I couldn’t, saya mencuba melupakannya, tetapi tdk berjaya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clean | adv 1. completely, sama sekali, langsung: he ~ forgot about it, dia terlupa sama sekali ttg perkara itu; 2. in a clean manner, dgn bersih: a machine that washes ~, mesin yg membasuh dgn bersih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heck | n (colloq & euphem) alamak: oh ~! I forgot the keys again, alamak! Aku terlupa lagi kunci; a ~ of a, betul: you've been gone a ~ of a long time, lama betul kamu pergi; what the ~, (indic that one does not care) peduli apa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forget | I hope you will not ~ your promise, saya harap kamu tdk akan melupakan janji; I’d like to introduce you to ... I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten your name!, saya ingin memperkenalkan saudari dgn ... maaf, saya terlupa nama saudara!; you’d better ~ me as soon as possible, lebih baik kamu melupakan saya secepat mungkin; 2. omit, neglect to buy, bring, etc, (ter)lupa + approp v: don’t ~ to tip the driver, jangan lupa memberi tip kpd pemandu itu; have you forgotten my passport?, kamu terlupa mengambil pasport saya?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forget | vi (ter)lupa: you have a dental appointment at three – don’t ~!, kamu ada janji temu dgn doktor gigi pd pukul tiga – jangan lupa!; I was supposed to pick the children up, but I ~, saya sepatutnya menjemput budak-budak, tetapi saya terlupa; he forgot about the visit, dia terlupa ttg lawatan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dotty | adj (colloq) feeble minded, nyanyuk: my ~ aunt would even forget to eat, sometimes, makcik saya yg nyanyuk itu kadang-kadang terlupa makan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dot | n small round spot, titik; (appearing in large numbers on dress, leaf, etc) bintik: you have forgotten to put the ~ on the “j”, kamu terlupa membubuh titik pd huruf “j”; a ~ of red paint, setitik cat merah; she was wearing a red blouse with white ~s on it, dia memakai blaus merah yg berbintik putih; she watched until the ship became a mere ~ on the horizon, dia memperhatikan kapal itu sehingga menjadi satu titik di ufuk; on the ~, (colloq) tepat pd /masanya, waktunya/; (of specified time) tepat: we arrived on the ~, kita tiba tepat pd masanya; 8 o’clock on the ~, pukul 8 tepat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |