bump | vt dislodge, memelantingkan, menyebabkan terpelanting: the crash ~ed him from his seat, perlanggaran itu menyebabkan dia terpelanting dr tempat duduknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fling | ~ out (of room etc) meluru keluar dr; ~ so. out, menyebabkan sso /terpelanting, tercampak/; ~ st out, menyebabkan sst /terpelanting, tercampak/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fling | 5. throw (so.) forcefully, mencampakkan; (accidentally) terpelanting, tercampak: he was flung from his horse, dia terpelanting dr kudanya itu; after the demonstration many of the students were flung into prison, selepas tunjuk perasaan itu ramai penuntut dicampakkan ke dlm penjara; 6. utter violently, melemparkan: he flung abuse at his enemy, dia melemparkan caci-maki pd seterunya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow1 | ~ off, [various translations]: his hat blew off, topinya melayang ditiup angin; when the water boiled the lid blew off, apabila air mendidih tudung cerek itu terpelanting; ~ st off, [various translations]: the wind blew the roof off the house, angin telah menerbangkan bumbung rumah itu; the gale blew the ship off its course, angin kencang meniup kapal itu hingga terpesong dr arah perjalanannya; she blew the dust off the covers of the book, dia menghembus debu dr kulit buku itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fly1 | ~ high, be ambitious, bercita-cita tinggi; ~ in the face of, menentang: there’s little use in trying to ~ in the face of convention, tdk ada gunanya mencuba menentang adat resam; ~ in the face of Providence, mencabar maut; ~ off the handle, naik /radang, berang/; go ~ a kite, (colloq) pergi; send so. ~ing, menyebabkan sso terpelanting; send st ~, menyebabkan sst berterbangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
founder2 | vi 1. (of ship) fill with water and sink, karam: the vessel ~ed in the heavy seas, kapal itu karam di laut yg bergelora; 2. fail, gagal; (of relationship) hancur: the project ~ed for lack of funds, projek itu gagal akibat kekurangan wang; it seemed the sexual chemistry ran out and the marriage ~ed after six years, nampaknya tarikan seks telah mati dan perkahwinan itu hancur selepas enam tahun; 3. (of horse) fall, rebah: his exhausted horse ~ed and threw him, kudanya yg letih itu rebah dan dia terpelanting. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |