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Kata Terbitan : menyandung, tersandung, sandungan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

alight 1 vi 1. dismount, turun: she stumbled as she ~ed from the train, dia tersandung ketika turun dr kereta api; he ~ed at the National Museum, dia turun di Muzium Negara; 2. land lightly, hinggap: a little sparrow ~ed on the fence, seekor burung pipit hinggap di atas pagar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pitch 1~ forward, tersungkur: he tripped and ~ed forward onto the pavement, dia tersandung lalu tersungkur ke lantai kaki lima itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
stumble vi 1. trip or fall while walking or running, tersandung lalu jatuh;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
spray 1 c. (accidentally with drops of liquid) terpercik: the waiter stumbled, ~ing the customer with hot soup, pelayan itu tersandung, menyebabkan pelanggan tersebut terpercik sup yg panas.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
toen 1. (digit on the foot) jari kaki: he stubbed his ~ on the doorstep, jari kakinya tersandung di muka pintu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pick 1 ~ os up, a.raise os after a fall, bangkit, bangun: she tripped and fell at the first hurdle but ~ed herself up and continued the race, dia tersandung dan jatuh di halangan yg pertama tetapi bangun semula dan meneruskan larian; b. raise os after a loss, defeat, etc, memulihkan semangat sso: she went to pieces after her husband died but slowly managed to ~ herself up, kehidupannya hancur selepas suaminya meninggal dunia tetapi lama-kelamaan dia berjaya memulihkan semangatnya semula; ~ so. up, a. lift and raise so., /mengambil, mengangkat/ sso: sheKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
crackvt 1. cause to split into fissures, merekahkan: expansion and contraction have ~ed the beams, pengembangan dan pengecutan telah merekahkan alang itu; 2. cause to split into thin lines, meretakkan: a ball thrown by the children ~ed the window pane, bola yg dibaling oleh budak-budak itu telah meretakkan cermin tingkap; 3. accidentally fracture, reta_òk: he ~ed the eggs when he fell against the table, telur itu retak apabila dia tersandung meja; 4. (skin, lips) menyebabkan pecah-pecah: the extreme cold ~ed his lips, kesejukan yg amat sangat menyebabkan bibirnya pecah-pecah; 5. also ~ open, split open, memecahkan: to ~ the safe, memecahkan peti besi; 6. accidentally hit with forceful blow, pecah: he ~ed his head when he fell, kepalanya pecah sewaktu dia terjatuh; 7. cause voice to break, menjadikan serak: emotion ~ed his voice, tekanan emosi menjadikan suaranya serak;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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