catch | vi 1. become entangled, tersangkut: her long scarf caught in the branches, selendangnya yg panjang itu tersangkut pd ranting; 2. be, get wedged in, tersepit, terapit, terkepit: her finger caught in the door, jarinya tersepit pd pintu; 3. ignite, menyala: the kindling caught immediately, ranting-ranting itu segera menyala; 4. (of fire) menyala; 5. become fastened, terkancing, masuk: the latch did not ~, selak itu tdk terkancing; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
detain | vt 1. prevent from proceeding, a. (by so.), (act.) menahan; (pass.) tertahan, tersangkut: you should have ~ed her until I got home, kamu sepatutnya menahan dia sehingga saya pulang; I had planned to go to the concert but I was ~ed at work, saya bercadang utk menghadiri konsert itu tetapi saya tersangkut di pejabat; b. (by st), (act.) menyebabkan [sso] /tertahan, tersangkut/; (pass.) tertahan, tersangkut: the accident ~ed him for two hours, kemalangan itu menyebabkan dia tertahan di jalan selama dua jam; he was ~ed by heavy trafic, dia tersangkut krn kesesakan lalu lintas; 2. keep in custody, menahan: the police have ~ed several suspects, polis telah menahan beberapa orang yg disyaki. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hitch | vi 1. see HITCH-HIKE; 2. become hooked, tersangkut: her scarf ~ed on the thorny branches, skarfnya tersangkut pd dahan-dahan yg berduri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
halting | adj faltering, terputus-putus, tersangkut-sangkut, tertahan-tahan: his ~ delivery spoiled the effect of the speech, penyampaiannya yg terputus-putus merosakkan kesan ucapan itu; he answered me in ~ English, dia menjawab pertanyaan saya dlm bahasa Inggeris yg tersangkut-sangkut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hook | ~ on; be ~ed on, (sl) a. be addicted to, ketagih: to be ~ed on drugs, ketagih dadah; b. be very much in love with, tersangkut hati: she’s ~ed on that good-for-nothing fellow, dia tersangkut hati pd lelaki tak berguna itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
entangle | vt (usu pass.) 1.a. cause to become caught, terperangkap, tersangkut: the fish were ~d in the net, ikan-ikan itu terperangkap dlm jala; b. cause to become twisted or tangled, terbelit: her hair became ~d in the branches, rambutnya terbelit pd dahan-dahan itu;the fishing-line got ~d in the weeds, tali kail itu terbelit pd rumpai; 2. a. involve (so. or os) in difficulties or unfavourable circumstances, terjebak: they became ~d in the intricacies of the problem, mereka terjebak dlm kekusutan masalah itu; b. involve (so., os) in a relationship, terlibat:he warned her not to get herself ~d with money-lenders, dia mengingatkannya supaya jangan terlibat dgn pemberi hutang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hang | vi 1. be suspended, a. (gen) tergantung: the picture used to ~ there, gambar itu pernah tergantung di situ; b. (by being placed on a chair, hook, etc) tersangkut; c. (by being spread on a clothes-line, string, etc) tersidai, terampai: the washing is still ~ing on the line, basuhan itu masih tersidai di ampaian; 2. be executed by hanging, digantung: he was to ~ for her murder, dia akan digantung krn membunuh wanita itu; 3. be attached on a hinge, terpasang: the door hung crookedly, pintu itu terpasang senget; 4. fall, flow, a. (of clothes etc) tergantung, menirai: the soft woollen material ~s beautifully, kain bulu yg lembut itu tergantung dgn cantiknya; b. (of hair), (jatuh) terurai: her waist-length hair hung loose, rambutnya yg panjang separas pinggang jatuh terurai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
catch | ~ up, mengejar; (in work, progress) mengejar kemajuan; ~ so. up, a. reach so. who is walking or running ahead of one, menyaingi sso: I had to run to ~ him up, saya terpaksa berlari utk menyainginya; b. reach the same standard as so. is, mengejar sso: our competitor in the business is too far ahead of us; we won’t be able to ~ them up yet, pesaing kita dlm perniagaan ini terlalu maju berbanding dgn kita; kita tdk mungkin dapat mengejar mereka lagi; ~ (st) up, a. seize st hurriedly, menyambar sst: she caught up the package and ran off with it, dia menyambar bungkusan itu dan membawanya lari; b. trap st, sst tersangkut: her scarf was caught up in the spokes of the bicycle, selendangnya tersangkut pd jejari basikal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jerky | adj 1. (of motion) tersentak-sentak, tersentap-sentap; (of person or any part of person) kekok, canggung: the ~ motion of the train as it started, kereta api itu bergerak tersentak-sentak semasa mula berjalan; a ~ ride in a bullock cart, perjalanan dgn kereta lembu yg tersentak-sentak; the movement of your arms is too ~, gerak tanganmu terlalu kekok; 2. (of style) tdk lancar, tersangkut-sangkut: a ~ style of writing, gaya penulisan yg tdk lancar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |