abroad | /be, get, spread/ ~, be, become widespread, tersebar (luas): when the news got ~, apabila khabar itu tersebar luas; a rumour is ~ that..., khabar angin tersebar luas kononnya...; from ~, dr luar negeri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
float | ~ /about, around, round /, (of rumour) tersebar di mana-mana: rumours have been ~ing around concerning him, khabar angin tentangnya sedang tersebar di mana-mana; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
afloat | 5. in circulation, tersebar; (foll by clause), [not translated]: news of the defeat was soon ~, berita kekalahan itu cepat tersebar; a rumour was ~ that a neighbouring country was involved in the arms sale, ada khabar angin bahawa sebuah negara jiran telah terlibat dlm penjualan senjata itu; 6. successfully functioning, berjalan lancar: after a difficult start, the project is now well ~, selepas bermula dengan penuh kesukaran, projek itu sekarang ini berjalan lancar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | ~ about, a. (naut) menukar haluan; b. circulate, tersebar (luas): the rumour is ~ing about that the company will be closing down, khabar angin tersebar luas bahawa syarikat itu akan ditutup; c. move, travel round a place, ke sana ke mari, berjalan-jalan: in Kuala Lumpur it is easier to ~ about by taxi, di Kuala Lumpur lebih mudah ke sana ke mari dgn teksi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
diffuse | vi 1. spread out, a. (of light) berbaur; b. (fig.) tersebar: Indian culture ~d throughout South-east Asia, kebudayaan orang India tersebar ke seluruh Asia Tenggara; 2. (of liquids, gases) berbaur: gases ~ more quickly than liquids, gas berbaur lebih cepat drpd cecair; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
diffused | adj 1. spread out, a. (of light) berbaur, terbaur: ~ lighting, cahaya lampu yg terbaur; b. (fig.) tersebar: ~ knowledge, pengetahuan yg tersebar; 2. (of liquids, gases) berbaur, terbaur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fly1 | ~ about, a. berterbangan: leaves and rubbish were ~ing about, daun-daun dan sampah-sarap berterbangan; b. (fig.) tersebar: there’s a lot of gossip ~ing about concerning them, banyak desas-desus yg sedang tersebar ttg mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
currency | n 1. money as medium of exchange, mata wang: foreign ~, mata wang asing; the yen is the unit of ~ in Japan, yen ialah unit mata wang Jepun; 2. state of being in wide circulation, tersebar luas; (of word, expression) meluasnya penggunaan: his ideas which once had ~ are now rejected by the younger generation, idea-ideanya yg pd suatu masa dulu tersebar luas sekarang ditolak oleh generasi muda; gain ~, semakin tersebar luas; (of word, expression) semakin meluas penggunaannya: the story soon gained ~, tdk lama kemudian, cerita itu semakin tersebar luas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
air | be in the ~, a. uncertain, di awang-awang(an): his plans are still in the ~, rancangannya masih di awang-awangan; b. spreading about, sedang tersebar; (of feeling) dapat dirasakan: disquieting rumours are in the ~, desas-desus yg merisaukan sedang tersebar; love is in the ~, suasana percintaan dapat dirasakan; c. (mil) unprotected, tdk berperlindungan: the left flank was left in the ~, rusuk kiri batalion itu tdk beperlindungan; in the open ~, di /tempat, kawasan/ terbuka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dispersed | adj 1. scattered, (ber)selerak: ~ settlement, petempatan selerak; 2. (phys) tersebar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |