hereof | adv 1. of this, approp n + tersebut: refer to page 12 ~, sila rujuk halaman 12 laporan tersebut; please acknowledge receipt ~, sila maklumkan penerimaan pesanan tersebut; 2. from this, kerananya: the contract was breached resulting in legal proceedings ~, kontrak itu telah dimungkiri menyebabkan tindakan undang-undang diambil kerananya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jolt | vi 1. move with series of violent jerks, terlambung-lambung; (of train) tersentak-sentak: the car ~ed along the bumpy road, kereta tersebut terlambung-lambung di sepanjang jalan yg berlekak-lekuk itu; 2. shake violently, bergoncang-goncang: the crates ~ed as the truck proceeded down the narrow mountain road, tong-tong itu bergoncang-goncang semasa lori tersebut menuruni jalan gunung yg sempit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lead 1 | 4. ask question designed to extract desired answer, mengemukakan soalan pimpin: the defense counsel attempted to ~ the witness, peguam pembela itu mencuba mengemukakan soalan pimpin kpd saksi tersebut; 5. steer the course of (conversation), membawa; (tutorial etc) membimbing: she was very clever in ~ing the conversation to a point where she could enquire about her ex-husband, dia sangat pandai membawa perbualan itu supaya dia dapat menanyakan hal bekas suaminya; the tutor led the discussion group, tutor itu membimbing kumpulan perbincangan tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intumescence | vt (usu pass.) 1. flood, (act.) membanjiri; (pass.) dilanda banjir: the river burst its banks and ~d the town, tebing sungai itu rebak dan airnya membanjiri bandar tersebut; the lower valley was ~d after ten hours of continuous rain, kawasan rendah lembah tersebut dilanda banjir selepas hujan turun tdk henti-henti selama sepuluh jam; 2. swamp, overwhelm, membanjiri, menghujani: the office was ~d with enquiries, pejabat itu dibanjiri pertanyaan; to be ~d with congratulatory messages, dihujani surat ucapan tahniah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grip | vt 1. take hold of, grasp firmly, a. (with hand) menggenggam, memegang kuat, memegang /kuat-kuat, erat-erat/: she ~ped her friend’s hand warmly, dia menggenggam tangan kawannya itu dgn mesra; the policeman ~ped the thief by the collar, mata-mata tersebut memegang kuat kolar baju pencuri itu; he ~ped the rope with both hands, dia memegang kuat tali itu dgn kedua-dua belah tangannya; b. (with or as if with claws) mencengkam: the tiger ~ped the carcass, harimau itu mencengkam bangkai tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
injustice | n 1. lack of justice, ketidakadilan: the ~ of the tax, ketidakadilan cukai tersebut; he always speaks out against ~, dia selalu bercakap dgn lantang menentang ketidakadilan; 2. act, situation, example, etc showing lack of justice, /hal, perkara/ yg tdk adil: he regarded it as one of life’s little ~s, dia menganggapnya sbg salah satu hal remeh yg tdk adil dlm kehidupan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
case 1 | n 1. instance, kes, kejadian: the first ~ of insurgency in the region, kes pemberontakan yg pertama di daerah itu; 2. question, matter for attention, perkara, kes: the committee is investigating the ~, jawatankuasa itu sedang menyiasat perkara tersebut; 3. state of affairs, keadaan, hal: if that is the ~, kalau begitulah keadaannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
invalidation | n 1. quality of having no legal force, ketaksahan: the ~ of the marriage, ketaksahan perkahwinan tersebut; 2. tdk /logik(nya), munasabah(nya), masuk akal/: the ~ of some of his arguments, tdk logiknya sesetengah hujah pendebat itu; 3. state of being an invalid, hilang upaya: ~ pension, pencen utk orang yg hilang upaya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jury | n 1. (leg.), (para) juri: only two women were on the ~, hanya dua wanita menganggotai juri tersebut; grand ~, (US) juri agung; 2. group of persons selected to judge a competition, jemaah /pengadil, hakim/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
count 1 | keep ~, mengira, menghitung: he kept ~ of the sheep as they passed through the gate, dia mengira kambing biri-biri itu semasa kambing-kambing tersebut melalui pintu pagar; lose ~, tdk terkira lagi: I have lost ~ of the number of times I fell, saya tdk terkira lagi berapa kali saya jatuh; out for the ~, a. (boxing) tewas selepas kiraan; b. (fast asleep) tidur mati; (be completely exhausted) betul-betul letih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |