inhibited | adj repressed, tersekat laku: an ~ed young man, pemuda yg tersekat laku. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arrested | adj stopped, checked, a. (of progress, spread, flow, etc) tersekat, terhenti; (of development) tersekat, terbantut; b. (of growth ) terbantut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jam1 | vi 1. a. become tightly wedged, tersepit, terjepit: the canoe ~med in the rocky rapids, kanu itu tersepit di jeram yg berbatu; b. become blocked, tersekat: a ship ~ med in the ice-bound port, sebuah kapal tersekat di pelabuhan yg penuh dgn ais itu; 2. become unworkable, tdk dapat + approp v, rosak; (of drawer) tersekat, tdk dapat ditarik keluar: the brakes suddenly ~med, brek kereta saya tiba-tiba rosak; the door has ~med and we need to get it repaired, pintu itu tdk dapat dibuka dan kita perlu membaikinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hum | ~ and haw, tersekat-sekat, tdk lancar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inhibition | n hang-up, kesekatlakuan, tersekat laku: sexual ~s, kesekatlakuan seks. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blockage | n 1. state of being blocked, tersekat; 2. st that causes a block, tersumbat: there’s a ~ in the downpipe, salur tegak tersumbat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jerkiness | n (of motion) tersentak-sentak, tersentap-sentap; (of prose style etc) tdk lancar, tersekat-sekat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
choking | adj 1. that prevents breathing, melemaskan: the ~ fumes, wasap yg melemaskan; 2. (of voice) tersekat-sekat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
block | vt 1. shape on a block, membentuk [n] di atas kelebut: to ~ a hat, membentuk topi di atas kelebut 2. obstruct, (act.) menyekat, menghalangi, merintangi; (pass.) tersekat, terhalang, terintang: they tried to ~ his promotion, mereka mencuba menyekat kenaikan pangkatnya; to ~ a bill, menyekat rang undang-undang; to ~ an opponent, menyekat lawan; the road was ~ed by a landslide, jalan raya itu tersekat oleh tanah runtuh; 3. restrict use, conversion of (currency etc) mengehadkan /penggunaan, pertukaran/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flow | 3. proceed smoothly, berjalan lancar: the conversation did not ~ easily, perbualan itu tdk berjalan lancar; the policeman watched the traffic ~ing down the motorway, polis itu memperhatikan lalu lintas berjalan lancar di lebuh raya; 4. (of tide) rise, naik, pasang: the tide is beginning to ~, air mula naik; 5. come or derive (from so., st) datang(nya): in mediaeval Europe all power ~ed from the monarch, di zaman pertengahan Eropah kesemua kuasa datang dr raja; 6. continue smoothly, meluncur: his speech ~ed on without hesitation, ucapannya meluncur tanpa tersekat-sekat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |