plastered | adj 1. stuck down (to st) diratakan: his few wisps of hair were ~ across his bald head with gel, rambutnya yg sejemput itu diratakan di atas kepalanya yg agak botak itu dgn gel; 2. covered with st sticky etc, berlumur: her face was ~ with heavy make up, mukanya berlumur dgn mekap tebal; 3. prominently displayed, tersiar: his disgrace was ~ all over the newspapers, keaibannya telah tersiar dlm semua surat khabar; 4. (colloq) very drunk, mabuk: he wasn’t just merry, he was ~, dia bukan hanya pening lalat tetapi dia telah mabuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
story 1 | 5. account, report,, laporan: the ~ of his journey up the Nile is most interesting,, laporan ttg perjalanannya menyusuri Sg Nil sangat menarik; 6. item in a newspaper,, kisah: the ~ was published in the front page of all the newspapers,, kisah itu tersiar di halaman depan semua akhbar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
self-starter | n 1. (motor) penghidup automatik; 2. (person) orang yg berdaya usaha (sendiri): there was an advert in the papers for “ambitious young ~s”, iklan yg menghendaki “orang-orang muda yg berdaya usaha sendiri dan bercita-cita tinggi” ada tersiar dlm surat khabar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
problem | n 1. question requiring solution, masalah: the teacher set them a ~ in geometry, guru itu memberi mereka satu masalah geometri; 2. puzzle, masalah: he likes to solve the chess ~s in the paper, dia suka menyelesaikan masalah catur yg tersiar dlm akhbar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
national | adj 1. of, concerning a nation as a whole, kebangsaan, negara, nasional; (of news, newspaper, radio network) nasional: ~ goals, matlamat kebangsaan; at ~ level, di peringkat kebangsaan; for ~ interests, utk kepentingan negara; he’s a ~ figure, dia ialah tokoh negara; the story appeared in all the ~ newspapers, cerita itu tersiar dlm semua akhbar nasional; ~ holiday, (hari) cuti umum; 2. symbolic of a specific nation, kebangsaan: the ~ language, bahasa kebangsaan; the hibiscus is our ~ flower, bunga raya ialah bunga kebangsaan kita; 3. owned or controlled by the nation, negara: N~ Mosque, Masjid Negara; N~ Art Gallery, Galeri Seni Negara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |