implied | adj 1. (leg.) tersirat: ~ contract, perjanjian yg tersirat; ~ recognition, pengiktirafan yg tersirat; 2. indirectly expressed, secara tdk langsung: an ~ rebuke, teguran secara tdk langsung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
implicit | adj 1. implied, tersirat: all the conditions whether explicit or ~ must be agreed to, semua syarat, sama ada nyata atau tersirat, mestilah dipersetujui; her reply carried an ~ threat, jawapannya mengandungi ugutan yg tersirat; although he draws no conclusions, they are ~ in his argument, walaupun dia tdk membuat sebarang kesimpulan, kesimpulan itu tersirat dlm hujahnya; 2. unquestioning, absolute, penuh; (of obedience) mutlak: I have ~ faith in his ability to cope with the situation, saya mempunyai kepercayaan penuh thdp kebolehannya menghadapi keadaan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inner | 4. private, a. (of feeling) tersirat, tersembunyi; (rel to specif emotion) jiwa, batin: an ~ feeling of despair, rasa putus asa yg tersirat di hati; she prayed for ~ calm, dia berdoa supaya mendapat ketenangan jiwa; b. (of workings of the mind), [not translated]: I cannot understand the ~ workings of her mind, saya tdk dapat memahami cara dia berfikir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
implicitly | adv 1. in implied manner, secara tersirat; 2. unquestioningly, sepenuhnya: I trusted the doctor ~, saya mempercayai doktor itu sepenuhnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inner | adj 1. inside, interior, sebelah dalam; (of ear) dalam: an ~ courtyard, laman sebelah dalam; the door leading to the ~ office was locked, pintu masuk ke pejabat sebelah dalam berkunci; the cupboard has an ~ compartment, almari itu mempunyai ruang sebelah dalam; an infection in the ~ ear, jangkitan pd telinga dalam; 2. central part of, bahagian tengah: an office in ~ Sydney, pejabat di bahagian tengah Sydney; 3. (of meaning) obscure, tersirat, terselindung, tersembunyi: was there an ~ meaning to that remark?, apakah ada maksud yg tersirat dlm kata-kata itu?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |