Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ter.sum.bat] | ترسومبت

Definisi : 1. tertutup (dgn sumbat dll), tersumpal: rongga-rongga ini ~ dgn biji-biji gabus; 2. terisi, termasuk: nasi yg ~ dlm mulutnya menyebabkan dia membisu; 3. seolah-olah tertutup atau tersekat kerong­kongan (kerana termengkelan dll); (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[ter.sum.bat] | ترسومبت

Definisi : 1 tertutup dgn sumbat. 2 tertutup atau tersekat sehingga tidak lancar aliran air dsb. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Kata Terbitan : penyumbat, menyumbat, tersumbat,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

clogvi tersumbat: the drain ~s easily, parit itu mudah tersumbat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
blockagen 1. state of being blocked, tersekat; 2. st that causes a block, tersumbat: there’s a ~ in the downpipe, salur tegak tersumbat.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bungvt 1. often ~ up, close with or as with a bung, menyumbat; be ~ed up, tersumbat: the car exhaust was ~ed up with mud, ekzos kereta itu tersumbat oleh lumpur; 2. (sl) throw, membalingkan, melontarkan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
frozen4. subject to long, severe cold, sentiasa dilitupi ais: the ~ north, kawasan utara yg sentiasa dilitupi ais; 5. clogged with ice, tersumbat krn ais: ~ water pipes, paip air yg tersumbat krn ais; 6. preserved by freezing, sejuk beku: ~ fish, ikan sejuk beku; 7. characterized by coldness, unfriendliness, dingin: a ~ stare, renungan dingin; 8. motionless, terpaku: she was ~ with terror, dia terpaku krn takut; 9. not available for present use, beku: ~ assets, aset beku.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
foul6. (of chimney, pipe, etc) clogged up, tersumbat; 7. rotten, teruk: I’ve had an absolutely ~ day at work, di pejabat hari ini teruk betul; the weather has been ~ for weeks, sudah berminggu cuaca teruk; don’t disturb your father, he’s in a ~ temper, jangan ganggu ayah kamu, angin dia teruk hari ini; have a ~ temper, panas baran; 8. (sport) faul: a ~ stroke, pukulan faul;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
clear3. remove, a. (st that causes blockage, obstruction) membersihkan: he ~ed the blockage in the drain, dia membersihkan longkang yg tersumbat itu; they ~ed the snow from the road, mereka membersihkan jalan itu drpd salji; b. (people from a place) menyuruh [sso] beredar (dr tempat itu); (from building) menyuruh [sso] keluar (dr bangunan itu): the police ~ed everyone from the building due to a bomb threat, polis menyuruh orang ramai keluar dr bangunan itu krn ada ancaman bom; 4. make free, a. (of obstruction) membersihkan: use a suction pump to ~ the blocked pipe, gunakanlah pam sedut utk membersihkan paip yg tersumbat; a treatment recommended by doctors for ~ing sinuses, rawatan yg disyorkan oleh para doktor utk membersihkan saluran sinus;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
choke3. make unbreathable, (act.) menyebabkan [sst] penuh; (pass.) penuh: air ~d with dust, udara yg penuh dgn habuk; 4. also ~ up, block up, a. (act.), /membuat, menyebabkan/ [sst] tersumbat: leaves ~d up the drain, daun-daun menyebabkan parit tersumbat: b. (pass.) tersumbat; 5. also ~ up, (often pass.) infest with, semak dgn: the garden was ~d up with weeds, taman itu semak dgn rumpai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
clogvt 1. sometimes ~ up, choke up, block, (act.) menyumbat; (pass.) tersumbat: leaves have ~ged the drain-pipe, daun-daun menyumbat saluran air; cholesterol has ~ged his arteries, kolesterol menyumbat arteri; 2. obstruct by stickiness, (act.) melekat pd; (pass.) melekat-lekat: their boots are ~ged with mud, but mereka melekat-lekat dgn lumpur; 3. impede, menghambat kelancaran: lack of dedication has ~ged the wheels of administration, kurangnya dedikasi telah menghambat kelancaran jentera pentadbiran.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
block~ up, a. close, fill in, menutup, menimbus, mengambus: he ~ed up the hole with earth, dia menutup lubang itu dgn tanah; b. prevent movement through, (act.) menyumbat; (pass.) tersumbat: please call the plumber as the pipe is ~ed up again, tolong panggil tukang paip krn paip ini tersumbat lagi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
block8. (US) length of such a mass of buildings, blok: the post office is two ~s away, pejabat pos itu jauhnya dua blok dr sini; 9. piece of engraved material used for printing, blok; 10. casing enclosing pulley(s) blok; 11. (sports) act of obstructing, pengadangan; 12. st which prevents the free flow of water etc, tersumbat: there was a ~ in one of the pipes, salah satu antara paip itu tersumbat; 13. (pathol) sekatan: heart- ~, sekatan jantung; 14. (psychol) kebuntuan: mental ~, kebuntuan mental;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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