excruciating | adj 1. acute, tdk tertahan: an ~ backache, sakit belakang yg tdk tertahan; 2. extremely difficult to bear, tdk tertanggung: ~ misery, kesengsaraan yg tdk tertanggung; 3. (jocular) very bad, mengazabkan: an ~ musical, drama muzik yg mengazabkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
choked | adj 1. strangled, tertahan-tahan: “I must go now,” she said in a ~ voice, “saya mesti pergi sekarang,” katanya dgn suara yg tertahan-tahan; 2. overcome, sebak: he was too ~ to say anything, dia terlalu sebak utk berkata. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bate | vt; with ~d breath, dgn nafas tertahan: the crowd watched with ~d breath as the boat drifted towards the waterfall, orang ramai yg berkerumun memperhatikan sampan itu hanyut menuju air terjun dgn nafas tertahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
detain | vt 1. prevent from proceeding, a. (by so.), (act.) menahan; (pass.) tertahan, tersangkut: you should have ~ed her until I got home, kamu sepatutnya menahan dia sehingga saya pulang; I had planned to go to the concert but I was ~ed at work, saya bercadang utk menghadiri konsert itu tetapi saya tersangkut di pejabat; b. (by st), (act.) menyebabkan [sso] /tertahan, tersangkut/; (pass.) tertahan, tersangkut: the accident ~ed him for two hours, kemalangan itu menyebabkan dia tertahan di jalan selama dua jam; he was ~ed by heavy trafic, dia tersangkut krn kesesakan lalu lintas; 2. keep in custody, menahan: the police have ~ed several suspects, polis telah menahan beberapa orang yg disyaki. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gasp | n sharp intake of breath, a. (from exhaustion) cungapan; in ~s, tercungap-cungap; b. (from astonishment, amazement, shock, etc) bunyi nafas tertahan: several ~s were audible, kedengaran bunyi nafas tertahan; at o’s last ~, (colloq) a. at the point of death, sedang nazak; b. on the point of exhaustion, hampir setengah mati: he was at his last ~ after the game, dia setengah mati selepas permainan itu; fight to the last ~, (colloq) bertempur habis-habisan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
halting | adj faltering, terputus-putus, tersangkut-sangkut, tertahan-tahan: his ~ delivery spoiled the effect of the speech, penyampaiannya yg terputus-putus merosakkan kesan ucapan itu; he answered me in ~ English, dia menjawab pertanyaan saya dlm bahasa Inggeris yg tersangkut-sangkut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bumble1 | ~ through a speech, /menyampaikan ucapan, berucap/ dgn /tertahan-tahan, terputus-putus/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
constrained | adj stiff, unnatural, (of smile) dipaksa-paksa; (of voice) tertahan-tahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
back | ~ up, a. accumulate behind obstruction, naik: the water ~ed up behind the dam and flooded the valley, air naik di empangan dan membanjiri lembah itu; b. (US) form queue, tertahan: vehicles were ~ed up for miles on the highway, kenderaan tertahan berbatu-batu panjangnya di lebuh raya itu; c. (US) go up backwards, /(ber)undur, mundur, mengundur/ naik; ~ so. up, see vt (sense 2.); ~ st up, see vt (sense 3.); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bearable | adj dapat ditahan: the pain is ~, sakitnya dapat ditahan; barely ~, hampir tdk tertahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |