Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ter.tu.duh] | ترتودوه

Definisi : sudah (telah) dituduh, terdakwa: dia ditangkap bukan kerana mencuri atau menipu tetapi kerana ~ membantu musuh dlm masa negeri kita diduduki oleh Jepun; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Kata Terbitan : menuduh, tuduh-menuduh, tertuduh, tuduhan, penuduh,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

accusedadj dituduh, tertuduh: the ~ person, orang yg dituduh;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
accusedn ; the ~, (yg) tertuduh, /orang, pihak/ yg dituduh.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
impassiveadj (not showing any emotion) tdk /menunjukkan, menampakkan/ /sebarang emosi, perasaan sso/; ( calm) kelihatan tenang: the accused remained ~ throughout the trial, yg tertuduh tdk menunjukkan sebarang emosi sepanjang perbicaraan itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
favourd. to the advantage or profit of, memihak kpd, menyebelahi: the court’s decision was in ~ of the accused, keputusan mahkamah memihak kpd yg tertuduh; e. for, krn memilih utk: he refused a job in ~ of a university education, dia menolak tawaran utk bekerja krn memilih utk melanjutkan pelajaran di universiti; look with ~ on /so., st/, /menyenangi, menyukai/ /sso, sst/; /be, stand/ high in so’s ~, amat /disenangi, disukai, disayangi/ sso; /win, gain/ so’s ~, /memenangi, mengambil/ hati sso;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
grave 2 adj 1. solemn, serius: the judge looked ~ as he passed sentence on the accused, hakim itu kelihatan serius ketika menjatuhkan hukuman ke atas yg tertuduh; ~ thoughts, fikiran yg serius; 2. quality of needing urgent attention, serious, serius; (of news) merunsingkan; (of offence, charge, accusation, etc) serius, berat; (rel to illness or a sick person’s condition) serius, teruk; (of responsibility) berat; (rel to danger) besar: he wanted to discuss a ~ matter with his lawyer, dia hendak berbincang ttg perkara yg serius dgn peguamnya; the country’s political situation is very ~, keadaan politik negara itu amat serius; a ~ error, kesilapan yg serius; this is a very ~ charge, ini satu tuduhan yg sangat serius; the patient’s condition is still ~, keadaan pesakit itu masih teruk.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
custodyhold in ~, take into ~, menahan: the suspect was taken into ~ but later released, orang yg disyaki telah ditahan tetapi telah dibebaskan kemudiannya; in ~, dlm tahanan: the accused is in ~, awaiting trial, yg tertuduh berada dlm tahanan, menunggu perbicaraan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
interrogationn 1. formal and thorough questioning, soal siasat, pemisitan, menyoal siasat: the ~ of the suspect lasted for hours, yg disyaki disoal siasat berjam-jam lamanya; the accused broke down under ~, yg tertuduh tdk dapat menguasai perasaan semasa soal siasat; 2. instance of this, soal siasat, pisitan, menyoal siasat.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
go~ in for, a. (competition etc) enter, mengambil bahagian dlm, menyertai; b. (occupation, career) menceburkan diri dlm: he went in for politics, dia menceburkan diri dlm lapangan politik; c. (hobby) gemar: she ~es in for tapestry, dia gemar menenun dewangga; ~ in favour of so., ~ in so’s favour, memihak kpd: the judge’s decision went in favour of the accused, keputusan hakim itu memihak kpd yg tertuduh; ~ in peace, pergi dgn selamat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
evidencen 1. st that gives proof or reason to believe st, bukti: there is no archaelogical ~ for the existence of a separate culture, tdk terdapat bukti arkeologi bahawa kebudayaan yg berasingan wujud;everywhere we went, we saw ~ that the country was undergoing rapid change, ke mana-mana sahaja kami pergi, kami melihat bukti bahawa negara itu sedang mengalami perubahan yg pesat; 2. (tech) keterangan: he was convicted on strong circumstantial ~, dia disabitkan atas keterangan ikut keadaan yg kuat; the accused will give ~ today, yg tertuduh akan memberikan keterangan hari ini;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
enter7. cause to be included, memasukkan: the word “ensilarge” is not ~ed in this dictionary, kata “ensilarge” tdk dimasukkan dlm kamus ini; the data must be ~ed into the computer before it can be processed, data itu mesti dimasukkan ke dlm komputer sebelum dapat di proses; 8. (fml) make officially, membuat [n] secara rasmi: he has ~ed a protest against the judge’s decision, dia telah membuat protes secara rasmi membantah keputusan hakim; the accused ~ed a plea of not guilty, tertuduh membuat akuan tdk bersalah secara rasmi;9. go into (period of time) memasuki: he was already 28 when he ~ed his second year at university, umurnya sudah 28 tahun semasa dia memasuki tahun kedua di universiti;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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