Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ter.tum.pu] | ترتومڤو

Definisi : 1. telah ditumpukan (ditolakkan), telah tidak diterima (permohonan dll); 2. telah ditumpukan (dipusatkan, dikerahkan) pd: pandangannya ~ penuh pd daun pintu rumah yg masih tertutup rapat itu; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[ter.tum.pu] | ترتومڤو

Definisi : telah ditumpukan atau dipusatkan (bkn minat, pandangan dll) pd sesuatu: Perhatiannya ~ pd pemuda yg sedang bermain biola. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata tertumpu

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

centrevi tertumpu, terpusat: the discussion ~ed on the trial, perbincangan tertumpu pd perbicaraan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fixb. (o’s gaze, stare, etc), (act.) memakukan, melekatkan, menumpukan, memusatkan; (pass.) terpaku, melekat, tertumpu: the hypnotist ~ed his gaze on the patient, hipnotis itu memakukan pandangannya pd pesakit tersebut; c. (o’s thought, attention, etc), (act.) memusatkan, menumpukan; (pass.) tertumpu: everyone’s thoughts were ~ed on the Falklands War, fikiran setiap orang tertumpu pd Perang Falkland; 4. determine, menetapkan, menentukan: we must ~ a date for the next meeting, kita mesti menetapkan tarikh utk mesyuarat yg akan datang; they have not ~ed a price for the house yet, mereka belum lagi menetapkan harga rumah itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fastenb. focus, direct gaze, attention, etc steadily on, (act.) menumpukan /perhatian, pandangan/ [sso] pd, /mata, perhatian, pandangan/ [sso] terpaku pd; (pass.) tertumpu, terpaku: he ~ed his eyes on the girl sitting across the room, matanya terpaku pd gadis yg duduk di sebelah sana bilik; her attention was ~ed on the picture on the wall, perhatiannya tertumpu pd lukisan di dinding itu; c. take firm grip with, mengapitkan sst pd: to ~ the pliers on the nail, mengapitkan ragum pd paku itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
concentratevt 1. focus, menumpukan: they ~d their attention on the problem, mereka menumpukan perhatian kpd masalah itu; 2. cause to come together in one place, cause to become the possession of a few, (act.) menumpukan; (pass.) tertumpu: the troops were ~d at the border, pasukan askar itu tertumpu di sempadan; it is dangerous when power is ~d in the hands of one man, adalah berbahaya apabila kuasa tertumpu dlm tangan seorang sahaja; 3. (tech) make denser, memekatkan: to ~ acid, memekatkan asid;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
focusvi 1. adjust for clearer vision, memfokus: after the accident he fnd difficulty in ~ing, selepas kemalangan itu, dia mendapati sukar utk memfokus; if I’m sitting more than two metres away from the TV, my eyes cannot ~ on the subtitles, kalau saya duduk lebih dr dua meter dr TV, mata saya tdk boleh memfokus pd sari kata; 2. (rays of light) converge on, terfokus: hold the magnifying glass so that the rays of sunlight ~ on the straw, pegang kaca pembesar supaya sinar cahaya matahari terfokus pd jerami kering itu; 3. centre, tertumpu; (deliberately) ditumpukan: the discussion ~ed mainly on the immigrants’ problems, perbincangan tertumpu pd masalah imigran; during this course attention will ~ on the history of Malacca in the 15th century, semasa kursus ini, perhatian akan ditumpukan pd sejarah Melaka dlm kurun ke-15;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fix2. imprint in o’s mind, (act.) menyematkan; (pass.) tersemat, tertera: the police sergeant ~ed the photo of the criminal in his mind, sarjan itu menyematkan gambar penjenayah tersebut ke dlm ingatannya; what I saw when I opened the door is ~ed in my mind forever, apa yg saya lihat apabila membuka pintu itu tertera dlm ingatan utk selama-lamanya; 3. focus, a. (o’s eyes), (act.) memakukan, melekatkan; (pass.) terpaku, melekat, tertumpu: William ~ed his bloodshot eyes on the empty whisky bottle, William memakukan matanya yg merah or melekatkan pandangan dgn matanya yg merah pd botol wiski yg kosong itu; her eyes were ~ed on the singer, matanya terpaku or pandangannya melekat pd penyanyi itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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