battle | ~ on, a. continue to engage in battle, /bertempur,berjuang/ terus-menerus, terus /bertempur, berjuang/; b. continue to struggle, berjuang terus-menerus, terus berjuang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
direct | adj 1. not circuitous, terus: the ~ route to Ipoh from Kuala Lumpur via the North-South Highway, jalan terus ke Ipoh dr Kuala Lumpur melalui Lebuh Raya Utara-Selatan; ~ flight, penerbangan terus; 2. without anyone, anything intervening, langsung, terus; (of transfer of money, payment) terus: ~ link, perhubungan terus; he has ~ responsibility for the running of the company, dia mempunyai tanggungjawab langsung dlm pengendalian syarikat itu; ~ negotiations, rundingan langsung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frankly | adv 1. in a frank manner, (dgn) terus-terang: to speak ~, bercakap terus-terang; 2. honestly, (secara, dgn) terus terang: ~ (speaking), she bores me, secara terus terang (saya katakan), dia membosankan saya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frank | adj 1. outspoken, candid, terus-terang; (of person, manner), (ber)terus-terang: I would like your ~ opinion on the matter, saya ingin mendengar pendapat yg terus-terang drpd saudara ttg hal itu; he is a ~, honest person, dia terus-terang dan jujur orangnya; 2. showing clearly the thoughts and feelings, tdk menyembunyikan perasaan: a ~ gaze, pandangan yg tdk menyembunyikan perasaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forthright | adj terus terang; (of person, manner) suka berterus terang, terus terang: he made a ~ statement of their position, dia membuat kenyataan yg terus-terang ttg kedudukan mereka; Mr Davidson has the reputation of being ~, Encik Davidson dikenali sbg orang yg suka berterus-terang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
keep | ~ straight on, terus + approp v; (of person) approp v + terus: the road ~s straight on into the forest, jalan itu terus masuk ke dlm hutan; you should ~ straight on until you come to the crossroads, kamu mesti ber | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
directly | adv 1. without deviating, terus: she went ~ from the office to the airport, dia pergi terus dr pejabat ke lapangan terbang; 2. without anyone or anything intervening, terus: to cut costs, they purchased the machines ~ from the manufacturer, utk menjimatkan kos, mereka membeli mesin-mesin itu terus drpd pengilang; 3. in a straight line, tepat: he looked ~ at us, dia memandang tepat kpd kami; 4. personally, secara langsung: he is ~ concerned in the project, dia terlibat secara langsung dlm projek itu; 5. exactly, betul-betul: they live ~ opposite the hospital, mereka tinggal betul-betul berhadapan dgn hospital; 6. at once, (dgn) segera: attend to the matter ~, uruskan perkara itu dgn segera; 7. shortly, sekejap lagi: they will return ~, mereka akan pulang sekejap lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
keep | ~ at so., /mendesak-desak, terus mendesak/ sso: his wife kept at him until he agreed to buy her a car, isterinya terus mendesaknya sehingga dia bersetuju utk membelikan sebuah kereta; ~ at st, meneruskan sst, terus + approp v: he k | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beeline | n; make a ~ for a. (so.) terus menghampiri; b. (st) terus pergi ke: after school, the children made a ~ for the cake shop, selepas sekolah, kanak-kanak itu terus pergi ke kedai kek. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
laugh | ~ away, terus ketawa: they were ~ing away all night, mereka terus ketawa sepanjang malam; ~ st away, ketawa utk /melupakan, menghilangkan/ sst: she ~ed away her troubles, dia ketawa utk melupakan masalahnya; it’s no good sitting at home moping. You should go out and ~ it away, tdk elok duduk di rumah bersedih sahaja. Kamu harus keluar dan ketawa utk melupakannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |