direct | adj 1. not circuitous, terus: the ~ route to Ipoh from Kuala Lumpur via the North-South Highway, jalan terus ke Ipoh dr Kuala Lumpur melalui Lebuh Raya Utara-Selatan; ~ flight, penerbangan terus; 2. without anyone, anything intervening, langsung, terus; (of transfer of money, payment) terus: ~ link, perhubungan terus; he has ~ responsibility for the running of the company, dia mempunyai tanggungjawab langsung dlm pengendalian syarikat itu; ~ negotiations, rundingan langsung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
headlong | adj & adv 1. terus; (downwards) kepala dahulu, menjunam: the terrified animal ran ~ into the bushes, binatang yg ketakutan itu berlari terus ke dlm semak; she plunged ~ into the pool, dia terjun menjunam ke dlm kolam; 2. (fig.) dgn tergesa-gesa: a ~ flight, melarikan diri dgn tergesa-gesa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frankly | adv 1. in a frank manner, (dgn) terus-terang: to speak ~, bercakap terus-terang; 2. honestly, (secara, dgn) terus terang: ~ (speaking), she bores me, secara terus terang (saya katakan), dia membosankan saya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frank | adj 1. outspoken, candid, terus-terang; (of person, manner), (ber)terus-terang: I would like your ~ opinion on the matter, saya ingin mendengar pendapat yg terus-terang drpd saudara ttg hal itu; he is a ~, honest person, dia terus-terang dan jujur orangnya; 2. showing clearly the thoughts and feelings, tdk menyembunyikan perasaan: a ~ gaze, pandangan yg tdk menyembunyikan perasaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
directly | adv 1. without deviating, terus: she went ~ from the office to the airport, dia pergi terus dr pejabat ke lapangan terbang; 2. without anyone or anything intervening, terus: to cut costs, they purchased the machines ~ from the manufacturer, utk menjimatkan kos, mereka membeli mesin-mesin itu terus drpd pengilang; 3. in a straight line, tepat: he looked ~ at us, dia memandang tepat kpd kami; 4. personally, secara langsung: he is ~ concerned in the project, dia terlibat secara langsung dlm projek itu; 5. exactly, betul-betul: they live ~ opposite the hospital, mereka tinggal betul-betul berhadapan dgn hospital; 6. at once, (dgn) segera: attend to the matter ~, uruskan perkara itu dgn segera; 7. shortly, sekejap lagi: they will return ~, mereka akan pulang sekejap lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indirect | adj 1. roundabout, not straight, tdk terus: he had to take an ~ route to avoid the midday traffic, dia terpaksa mengambil jalan yg tdk terus utk mengelakkan kesesakan lalu lintas waktu tengah hari; 2. not straight forward, not done or caused directly, tdk langsung: he tried, by ~ methods, to influence their decision, dia mencuba mempengaruhi keputusan mereka dgn cara tdk langsung; to make an ~ reference to st, merujuk sst secara tdk langsung; his answer was ~, jawapannya tdk langsung; ~ effects, kesan tdk langsung; 3. (of taxes) tak langsung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forge2 | vi 1. advance steadily, terus /mara, maju/: the ship ~d northward through the increasingly high seas, kapal itu terus mara ke utara meredah gelombang yg semakin tinggi; 2. increase speed suddenly, memecut ke /depan, hadapan/: the runner ~d into the lead two minutes after the race started, pelari itu memecut ke hadapan sekali dua minit selepas perlumbaan bermula; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
continue | vt 1. go on with, meneruskan: he ~d his lecture in spite of interruptions, dia meneruskan syarahannya walaupun terganggu; who will ~ the work after you leave?, siapa yg akan meneruskan kerja ini setelah kamu pergi?; 2. proceed (with a course of action) terus: I hope you will ~ to be my friend, saya berharap kamu akan terus menjadi kawan saya; my brother ~d to tease me despite my protests, abang terus mengusik saya walaupun saya memprotes; the dog ~d to bark, anjing itu terus menyalak; she ~d to live in the village after her husband died, dia terus tinggal di kampung itu setelah suaminya meninggal; 3. resume, menyambung, meneruskan: we shall ~ the meeting after lunch, kita akan menyambung mesyuarat sesudah makan tengah hari; 4. begin speaking again, menyambung, meneruskan: “She’s lazy,” he said, “and what’s more,” he continued, “ she’s totally unsuitable for the job,” “dia pemalas,” katanya, “tambah-tambah lagi,” dia menyambung, “dia tdk sesuai lansung utk kerja itu”; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fine1 | not to put too ~ a point on it, bercakap terus terang: I’m not a fan of modern art. Not to put too ~ a point on it, it bores me stiff, saya bukan peminat seni lukis moden. Kalau bercakap terus terang, seni itu sungguh membosankan; one ~ day, (in story-telling) pd suatu hari; one of these ~ days, (pd) suatu hari /nanti, kelak/: one of these ~ days you’ll go too far and he’ll hit you back, pd suatu hari kelak, kamu akan bertindak keterlaluan dan dia akan membalas pukulanmu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
directness | n 1. straightness (of aim, look, etc) ketepatan; 2. frankness, terus terang: the ~ of her reply stunned them, jawapannya yg terus terang itu memeranjatkan mereka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |