foremost | adj 1. most important, terutama, terpenting: he is the ~ authority on the law, dia ahli yg terpenting dlm bidang undang-undang; 2. nearest the front, paling depan: the ~ cabin on the ship, kabin paling depan atas kapal itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
handicap | n 1. disability, kecacatan: it’s possible to correct some physical ~s surgically, setengah-setengah kecacatan fizikal dapat dipulihkan melalui pembedahan; 2. disadvantage, hambatan: poor eye sight is a ~ especially in this type of job, penglihatan yg kabur ialah satu hambatan terutama sekali dlm pekerjaan spt ini; 3. disadvantage imposed on better competitor, handikap; 4. competition where handicaps are imposed, perlawanan yg diberi handikap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |