knock -out | adj 1. that knocks boxer etc out, tewas jatuh: a ~ blow, tumbukan tewas jatuh; 2. (of competition) kalah mati; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beaten | adj 1. shaped etc by hammering, tempa(an): a tray of ~ gold, talam drpd emas tempa; 2. defeated, tewas, kalah: a ~ army retreating south, tentera yg tewas yg sedang berundur ke selatan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
defeated | adj kalah, tewas: the ~ party, pihak yg kalah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
knock -out | n 1. blow that knocks boxer etc out, tumbukan tewas jatuh; 2. (competition) pertandingan kalah mati; 3. (sl) so., st outstanding or irresistible, sangat menarik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crow 2 | ~ over, a. boast about, berkokok krn: he seems unable to stop ~ing over his recent victory, nampaknya dia tdk dapat berhenti berkokok krn kemenangannya baru-baru ini; b. taunt (so.) with his defeat etc, mengejek: he ~ed over his defeated opponent, dia mengejek lawannya yg tewas itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
count 1 | ~ so. out, a. exclude so., tdk mengikutsertakan sso: we can ~ John out. He’s not interested in sailing, kita tdk perlu mengikutsertakan John. Dia tdk berminat belayar; b. (boxing) mengisytiharkan selepas membuat kiraan: he was ~ed out in the third round, dia diisytiharkan tewas selepas kiraan dibuat dlm pusingan ketiga; ~ st out, mengira sst: the miser ~ed out his money before putting it back into the safe, si bakhil itu mengira wangnya sebelum memasukkannya ke dlm peti besi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
count 1 | keep ~, mengira, menghitung: he kept ~ of the sheep as they passed through the gate, dia mengira kambing biri-biri itu semasa kambing-kambing tersebut melalui pintu pagar; lose ~, tdk terkira lagi: I have lost ~ of the number of times I fell, saya tdk terkira lagi berapa kali saya jatuh; out for the ~, a. (boxing) tewas selepas kiraan; b. (fast asleep) tidur mati; (be completely exhausted) betul-betul letih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | e. subside, surut; (of wind, storm) reda: the swelling is beginning to ~ down, benjol itu mulai surut; the wind went down after sunset, angin reda sesudah senja; f. be swallowed, ditelan: these pills don’t ~ down easily, pil-pil ini sukar ditelan; g. find acceptance, diterima: his explanation didn’t ~ down well, keterangannya tdk diterima dgn baik; h. be set down in writing, tercatat: the event will ~ down in history books, peristiwa itu akan tercatat dlm buku-buku sejarah; i. be defeated, fail, tewas, kalah: he went down in the third set, dia kalah dlm set ketiga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
droop | vi 1. incline, bend downwards, a. (gen) melentok, terlentok: his head ~ed in weariness, kepalanya terlentok krn keletihan; the feathers in his hat ~ed, bulu-bulu ayam di topinya terlentok; b. (of shoulders) turun, jatuh; c. (of eyes, eyelids) layu, kuyu, ruyup; d. (of mouth) menjebek; e. (of branch) melentur, meluyut; f. (of plant) melentur; g. (of flower) melentok, terlentok; 2. (of sun) ruyup; 3. languish, (kelihatan) layu; (of spirits) menjadi lemah: our spirits ~ed as we watched our players lose, semangat kami menjadi lemah apabila melihat pemain-pemain kami tewas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |