emboss | >vt mencetak timbul; (by carving) mengukir timbul:this notepaper is ~ed with the family crest, kertas surat ini dicetak timbul dgn lambang keluarga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
embossment | n 1. process of embossing, pencetakan timbul; (by carving) pengukiran timbul; 2. embossed work, /cetakan, ukiran/ timbul. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arise | ~ /from, out of/, timbul /akibat, drpd/: questions arising from the minutes, persoalan-persoalan yg timbul drpd minit mesyuarat itu; the many diseases that ~ from bad sanitation, penyakit-penyakit yg timbul drpd keadaan tdk bersih. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bob1 | ~ up, (colloq) a. float quickly to the surface, timbul; b. reappear suddenly, /timbul, muncul/ /semula, kembali/: he ~s up in the most unlikely places, dia timbul semula di tempat-tempat yg tdk diduga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arise | vi 1. come into being or notice, timbul; (of person) muncul; (of mist) muncul: should the occasion ~ again..., sekiranya perkara itu timbul lagi ...; new problems arose as the work progressed, masalah baharu timbul semasa kerja itu berjalan; many false prophets shall ~, beberapa banyak nabi palsu akan muncul; 2. get or stand up, see RISE (sense 1.); 3. ascend see RISE (sense 8.); 4. rise (esp from the dead) see RISE (sense 21); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crop | ~ up, a. see ~ out; b. arise, timbul: the question has only just ~ped up, perkara itu baru saja timbul. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | ~ up, a. come upstairs, naik; b. come to or above surface of water, timbul: to ~ up for air, timbul utk menyedut udara; c. rise (of sun) terbit; d. grow, tumbuh: the sunflowers I sowed last week have not ~ up yet, biji benih bunga matahari yg saya semai minggu lalu belum tumbuh lagi; e. happen, [no specif translation]; (when subj is not specified) berlaku, terjadi: to wait for an opportunity to ~ up, menunggu peluang; should a vacancy ~ up within the next few weeks..., sekiranya ada kekosongan dlm dua tiga minggu ini...; you look worried. Has anything ~ up?, kamu kelihatan risau. Ada apa-apa yg terjadi?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bob1 | n 1. short down-and-up movement, tenggelam timbul: I watched the ~ of his head as he swam, saya melihat kepalanya tenggelam timbul semasa dia berenang; 2. quick curtsy or bow, merendahkan diri sececah; give a ~, merendahkan diri sececah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
float | vi 1. a. rest on water, mengapung, timbul; (of person) mengapung; (ref to state) terapung; (with bobbing motion) terapung-apung: cork ~s in water, gabus timbul dlm air; he can ~ for hours, dia boleh mengapung berjam-jam lamanya; the leaves of the water-lilies ~ ing on the pond give protection to insects and fish, daun-daun teratai yg terapung di kolam itu memberikan perlindungan pd serangga dan ikan; the body was found ~ing in the harbour, mayat itu dijumpai terapung-apung di pelabuhan; b. rest in air, mengapung: a cloud of dust ~ed in the air, kepulan habuk mengapung di udara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
emerge | vi 1. come up out of a liquid, timbul; 2. come into view, muncul; (of a group of things together) bermunculan: a ship ~d from the fog, sebuah kapal muncul dr kabut itu; night fell and the stars ~d, malam menjelang dan bintang-bintang pun bermunculan; 3. come out, membebaskan diri: he ~d from the ordeal with dignity, dia dapat membebaskan diri drpd cubaan berat itu tanpa menjejaskan maruahnya;4. become known, timbul, muncul, keluar, terbit: after much enquiry, the terrible facts ~d, selepas penyiasatan yg rapi, muncullah fakta-fakta yg mengerikan itu;several interesting facts ~d in the course of our research, beberapa fakta yg menarik timbul semasa kami menjalankan penyelidikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |