residence | <i>ni> 1. <i>process or state of residingi>, tinggal; take up ~, tinggal: <i>he took up ~ in Parisi>, dia tinggal di Paris; 2. <i>period of residingi>, (tempoh) tinggal: <i>3 months’ ~ in the cityi>, tinggal selama 3 bulan di bandar raya itu; <i>during my ~ in Italy,i> semasa saya tinggal di Itali; 3. <i>house esp a large impressive onei>, kediaman: <i>the official ~ of the Presidenti>, kediaman rasmi Presiden; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
leave 1 | 15. <i>have as a remainder,i> tinggal: <i>2 from 7 ~s 5,i> 7 tolak 2 tinggal 5; <i>there are only 3 bottles left,i> ada 3 botol sahaja yg tinggal; <i>you have only five minutes left,i> tinggal lima minit saja lagi utk kamu; 16. <i>(food, drink)i> meninggalkan, membiarkan: <i>~ the salad if you don’t like it,i> tinggalkan salad itu kalau kamu tdk menyukainya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
leave 1 | 15. <i>have as a remainder,i> tinggal: <i>2 from 7 ~s 5,i> 7 tolak 2 tinggal 5; <i>there are only 3 bottles left,i> ada 3 botol sahaja yg tinggal; <i>you have only five minutes left,i> tinggal lima minit saja lagi utk kamu; 16. <i>(food, drink)i> meninggalkan, membiarkan: <i>~ the salad if you don’t like it,i> tinggalkan salad itu kalau kamu tdk menyukainya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
remain | <i>vii> 1. <i>not leavei>, tinggal: <i>the child ~ed at home because of his illnessi>, budak itu tinggal di rumah sebab sakit; 2. <i>continue to bei>, tetap: <i>the legislation will ~ in forcei>, undang-undang itu akan tetap berkuat kuasa; <i>the weather ~ed finei>, cuaca tetap baik; <i>the town ~s much as it wasi>, bandar itu tetap spt dahulu; <i>the population has ~ed the same for many yearsi>, penduduk di situ tetap sama bertahun-tahun lamanya; <i>he ~ed silenti>, dia tetap senyap; 3. <i>be left after other parts have been removed or usedi>, tinggal: <i>nothing ~ed after the firei>, tdk ada apa pun yg tinggal selepas kebakaran itu; <i>subtract 3 from 7, 4 ~si>, tolak 3 dr 7 tinggal 4; <i>what ~s to be settled is its pricei>, yg tinggal utk diselesaikan ialah harganya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
house | <i>vti> 1. <i>provide house, flat, etc as living quarters,i> menyediakan tempat tinggal: <i>it will be a big problem to ~ the rapidly increasing population,i> menyediakan tempat tinggal utk bilangan penduduk yg bertambah dgn pesatnya akan menjadi masalah besar; <i>he works hard to ~ his family properly,i> dia bekerja keras utk menyediakan tempat tinggal yg sempurna utk keluarganya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stay 1 | <i> vi i> 1. <i> be, remain at a place,i> tinggal, duduk: <i> where are you going to ~ while you are in Tokyo?,i> di manakah kamu akan tinggal semasa kamu di Tokyo?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
live 1 | ~ among, /hidup, tinggal/ bersama: <i>after living among the tribes for many years, he adopted their way of life,i> selepas begitu lama tinggal bersama suku kaum itu, dia mengikut dan menerima cara hidup mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
live 1 | ~ by, a. <i>have o’s home next to,i> tinggal dekat: <i>she ~s by the river,i> dia tinggal dekat sungai; b. <i>see vi (sense 3. );<i> c. <i>live according to (certain principles etc)i> hidup berpandukan: <i>most people try to ~ by the norms of society,i> kebanyakan orang cuba hidup berpandukan norma-norma masyarakat; ~ by os, hidup bersendirian: <i>she has been living by herself since her divorce,i> dia hidup bersendirian sejak bercerai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
reside | <i>vii> (<i>fmli>) 1. <i>livei>, tinggal: <i>he ~s at 10, Smith Streeti>, dia tinggal di No. 10, Jalan Smith; 2. <i>be vestedi> (<i>ini>) terletak: <i>the supreme authority ~s in Parliamenti>, kuasa tertinggi terletak pd Parlimen; 3. <i>be present or inherent ini>, terdapat: <i>the dangers that ~ in such a situation,i> bahaya yg terdapat dlm situasi demikian; <i>the energy that ~s in all matteri>, tenaga yg terdapat dlm semua jirim. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
farewell | <i>n i> 1. <i>leave-taking,i> mengucapkan selamat tinggal: <i>their ~s were protracted,i> mereka mengambil masa yg lama utk mengucapkan selamat tinggal; 2. (<i>attribi>) perpisahan: <i>~ speech,i> ucapan perpisahan; <i>~ party,i> jamuan perpisahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |