flimsy | adj 1. light and thin, tipis, nipis: ~ lace, kain renda yg tipis; 2. lacking solidity, tdk /kuat, kukuh/; (of clothing, shoes, etc) tdk tahan: a ~ structure of wood and rusty iron, binaan yg tdk kukuh yg dibuat drpd kayu dan besi berkarat; 3. weak, not convincing, tdk kukuh; (of excuse) lemah, tdk kukuh: you can’t arrest me on such ~ evidence, saudara tdk boleh menangkap saya berdasarkan bukti yg tdk kukuh spt itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
airy | adj 1. breezy, berangin: the room is spacious and ~, bilik itu luas dan berangin; 2. weightless, tipis: ~ voile, kain voile yg tipis; 3. light, graceful, lemah longlai, lemah gemalai: her ~ tread, langkahnya yg lemah longlai; 4. lively, gay, riang; 5. empty, fanciful, kosong: ~ ideals, impian-impian kosong; ~ promises, janji-janji kosong; 6. immaterial, niskala, mujarad, tdk berbentuk: ~ spirits, makhluk halus niskala; 7. (colloq) nonchalant, acuh tak acuh, endah tak endah: his friend’s ~ attitude infuriated him, sikap acuh tak acuh kawannya menyebabkan dia marah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fine1 | 4. consists of very small particles, halus; (of mist, smoke) tipis: ~ sand, pasir yg halus; clouds of ~ dust rose up when he entered the empty house, habuk yg halus berkepul-kepul naik apabila dia memasuki rumah yg kosong itu; 5. having very small holes, halus (matanya): ~ fishing nets, jala ikan yg halus matanya; ~ sieve, tapisan yg halus; 6. delicate, subtle, halus: a ~ difference in meaning, perbezaan makna yg halus; he made a few ~ adjustments to the car’s engine, dia membuat beberapa penyesuaian yg halus pd enjin keretanya; the ~r details of the argument escaped him, dia tdk dapat menangkap butiran-butiran yg halus dlm perdebatan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dwindle | vi 1. diminish, semakin /berkurangan, susut/; (of hopes) semakin /pudar, tipis/: the population is dwindling, bilangan penduduk semakin berkurangan; his fortune ~d, kekayaannya semakin berkurangan; 2. decline, semakin merosot: the port ~d in importance, kepentingan pelabuhan itu semakin merosot; 3. shrink, mengecil; (as st recedes from view) kelihatan semakin kecil: the star ~d to a speck in the sky, bintang itu kelihatan semakin kecil di langit; 4. (of race, species, etc) semakin pupus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clear | vi 1. become transparent, not turbid, menjadi jernih: the muddy water ~ed after the rain, air yg keruh itu menjadi jernih selepas hujan; 2. become unclouded, less severe, menjadi cerah; (of fog, mist, etc) menjadi tipis; (of storm) mereda: the sky ~ed, langit menjadi cerah; 3. (of face, countenance, etc) cerah, jernih: his face ~ed when he heard the good news, air mukanya cerah apabila mendengar berita baik itu; 4. disappear, hilang: this rash will ~ in a few days, ruam ini akan hilang dlm beberapa hari; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hold 1 | ~ out, a. stand fast, resist, bertahan: the little band of soldiers cannot ~ out much longer, kumpulan kecil askar itu tdk dapat bertahan lebih lama lagi; b. last, tahan lagi; (of supplies) masih ada: I think the tyre will ~ out until we get to a garage, saya fikir tayar itu boleh tahan lagi sehingga kita tiba di bengkel; ~ out st, a. stretch out st, menghulurkan sst: the man held out his hand as a gesture of friendship, lelaki itu menghulurkan tangannya sbg tanda persahabatan; b. offer st, memberikan sst: the job ~s out little prospect of promotion, pekerjaan itu memberikan prospek yg tipis dlm kenaikan pangkat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fading | adj 1. drooping, withering, sedang layu; 2. losing brightness, a. (of material, colour) beransur-ansur /pudar, luntur/; b. (of photograph, picture, writing) semakin kabur; c. (of light) semakin kelam: we found it difficult to see in a ~ light, kami mendapati sukar utk melihat dlm cahaya yg semakin kelam; 3. losing vigour, strength, semakin lemah; 4. diminishing, dwindling, a. (of sound) semakin perlahan; (because of increasing distance) semakin sayup: the ~ sound of the train, bunyi kereta api yg semakin sayup; b. (of hope) semakin tipis; 5. becoming gradually eliminated, beransur /hilang, luput, lenyap/: a ~ memory, kenangan yg beransur hilang; 6. disappearing from sight, semakin /hilang, lenyap/ dr pandangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
distant | adj 1. far apart, jauh: communication was difficult between the two ~ places, perhubungan adalah sukar antara dua tempat yg jauh itu; 2. far off, jauh: travel to ~ parts, mengembara ke tempat-tempat yg jauh; the ~ stars, bintang-bintang yg jauh; the ~ sound of drums, bunyi gendang yg jauh; 3. away, jauh(nya): they set up a tent a few kilometers ~ from the shore, mereka mendirikan sebuah khemah beberapa kilometer jauhnya dr pantai; 4. far away in time, jauh: at some ~ point in time, pd satu ketika yg jauh pd masa depan; 5. faint, remote, a. (of resemblance) sedikit; b. (of prospect) tipis; c. (of allusion) sipi; d. (of connection) jauh; 6. not closely related, jauh: a ~ relative, saudara jauh; 7. abstracted, vacant, jauh: a ~ look, pandangan yg jauh; 8. reserved, aloof, dingin, tdk mesra: a ~ manner, gaya yg dingin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |