minus | prep 1. make less by the subtraction of, tolak: three ~ one equals two, tiga tolak satu bersamaan dgn dua; 2. (of temperature) below zero, di bawah tahap air beku, tolak, minus: last night the temperatur | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
subtraction | n 1. (mathematical operation) kira-kira tolak: exercises in addition and ~, latihan membuat kira-kira campur dan tolak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
push | n 1. application of force to move st, tolakan, tolak, menolak; (button) tekan, menekan: one hard ~ will get the car started, satu tolakan yg kuat or sekali tolak dengan kuat akan menghidupkan enjin kereta itu; you will have to give the gate a ~ before it will close properly, kamu mesti menolak pintu pagar itu sebelum dapat ditutup dgn sempurna; the windscreen slides down at the ~ of a button, cermin kereta itu terbuka apabila ditekan butang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
curtain-raiser | n 1. (theatr) acara pembukaan; 2. (fig.) titik tolak: this dictionary will be a ~ to the gigantic encyclopaedia project, kamus ini akan menjadi titik tolak kpd projek ensiklopedia yg besar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
minus | adj 1. (of sign) minus, tolak: the ~ sign stands for subtraction, tanda minus bermakna penolakan; 2. negative, negatif: ~ quantity, kuantiti negatif; ~ factor, kekurangan, kelemahan: they are very | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
minus | n 1. minus sign, tanda /minus, tolak/: he forgot to put in the ~, dia terlupa membubuh tanda minus; 2. disadvantage, keburukan, kekurangan: this job involves irregular hours, and that’s a real ~, waktu yg t | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
leave 1 | 15. have as a remainder, tinggal: 2 from 7 ~s 5, 7 tolak 2 tinggal 5; there are only 3 bottles left, ada 3 botol sahaja yg tinggal; you have only five minutes left, tinggal lima minit saja lagi utk kamu; 16. (food, drink) meninggalkan, membiarkan: ~ the salad if you don’t like it, tinggalkan salad itu kalau kamu tdk menyukainya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
leave 1 | 15. have as a remainder, tinggal: 2 from 7 ~s 5, 7 tolak 2 tinggal 5; there are only 3 bottles left, ada 3 botol sahaja yg tinggal; you have only five minutes left, tinggal lima minit saja lagi utk kamu; 16. (food, drink) meninggalkan, membiarkan: ~ the salad if you don’t like it, tinggalkan salad itu kalau kamu tdk menyukainya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ballast | n 1. material used to stabilize, a. (ship) balast, tolak ba(ha)ra; in ~, membawa balast sahaja, tanpa angkutan; b. (balloon-car) pemberat, balast; 2. gravel for railway, road, balast; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
quit1 | vt 1. (esp US) give up, berhenti: he has ~ his job, dia telah berhenti kerja; she wants to ~ smoking, dia hendak berhenti merokok; 2. (esp US) stop, jangan: ~ shoving me, jangan tolak s | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |