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tong (kata nama)
Bersinonim dengan tin, kaleng, tahang, leger.,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

barrel<i>ni> 1. <i>(container)i> tong, tahang; 2. <i>(content)i> tong: <i>she sold three ~s of apples at market,i> dia menjual tiga tong epal di pasar; 3. <i>tubular part,i> a. <i>(of fountain pen)i> batang; b. <i>(of gun)i> laras.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
jolt<i>vii> 1. <i>move with series of violent jerks,i> terlambung-lambung; (<i>of traini>) tersentak-sentak: <i>the car ~ed along the bumpy road,i> kereta tersebut terlambung-lambung di sepanjang jalan yg berlekak-lekuk itu; 2. <i>shake violently,i> bergoncang-goncang: <i>the crates ~ed as the truck proceeded down the narrow mountain road,i> tong-tong itu bergoncang-goncang semasa lori tersebut menuruni jalan gunung yg sempit;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
crate<i>ni> 1. (<i>large wooden boxi>) tong: (<i>frame made of wood, plastic, etc devided into sectioni>) pak: <i>a beer ~,i> pak bir; 2. (<i>sli>) <i>old car,i> kereta /cabuk, buruk/;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
drum<i>ni> 1. (<i>musical instrumenti>) dram: <i>side ~,i>dram samping; <i>tenor ~,i> dram tenor; <i>~ roll,i> titiran dram; <i>he plays ~s in the school band,i> dia bermain dram dlm pancaragam sekolah; 2. (<i>soundi>) bunyi dram; 3. <i>seei> EAR-DRUM; 4. <i>barrel-like container,i> tong dram: <i>a ~ of petrol,i> satu tong dram petrol; 5. (<i>in machineryi>) gelendong: <i>~ filter,i> turas gelendong;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
label<i>vti> 1. <i>put label on,i> melabel, membubuh label pd: <i>the barrel was ~led “explosives”,i> tong itu dilabel “bahan letupan”; 2. <i>describe, classify,i> mengecap, melabel: <i>to ~ so. a coward,i> mengecap sso pengecut.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bulk<i>ni> 1. <i>largeness of mass, size, etc,i> besarnya, besar: <i>the crate was difficult to store because of its ~,i> tong itu sukar disimpan krn besar; 2. <i>large mass (of st)i> besar: <i>he looked with awe at the dark ~ of the mountain,i> dia memandang gunung yg besar dan gelap itu dgn rasa kagum; 3. <i>body (usu fat or large)i> badan (yg gemuk, besar): <i>he heaved his great ~ up from the chair,i> dia mengangkat badannya yg gemuk itu dr kerusi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bin<i>ni> 1. <i>receptacle for grain, coal, etc,i> bekas; 2. <i>bread-bin,i> bekas roti; 3. <i>dustbin,i> tong sampah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hold 1 6. <i>have capacity for,i> muat: <i>the car will ~ six people,i> kereta itu boleh muat enam orang; <i>the cask ~s twenty litres of beer,i> tong kayu ini muat dua puluh liter bir; 7. <i>contain,i> berisi: <i>this bag ~s my jewellery,i> beg ini berisi barang kemas saya; 8. <i>defend,i> mempertahankan: <i>the troops were unable to ~ their position,i> askar-askar itu tdk dapat mempertahankan kedudukan mereka;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
content 1<i>ni> 1. (<i>in pli>) <i>that which is contained in st,i> isi, kandungan: <i>the ~s of the box,i> isi peti itu; <i>he disregarded the ~s of the letter,i> dia tdk mempedulikan kandungan surat itu; <i>she emptied the bottle of its ~s,i> dia menuangkan kesemua isi botol itu; <i>table of ~s,i> daftar kandungan; 2. <i>substance, meaning of work of art, discussion, etc,i> isi, kandungan: <i>a poem that is poor in ~,i> sebuah puisi yg tdk cukup isinya; 3. <i>capacity,i> muatan: <i>the ~ of a cask,i> muatan sebuah tong kayu; 4. <i>amount of substance contained in st,i> kandungan: <i>the ore has high nickel ~,i> bijih itu tinggi kandungan nikelnya; <i>high cholesterol ~,i> kandungan kolesterol yg tinggi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
flip<i>vti> 1. <i>flicki> (<i>sti>) <i>into the air,i> menjentikkan: <i>he screwed up the bus ticket into a ball and ~ped it into the rubbish bin,i> dia merenyokkan tiket basnya hingga menjadi bulat lalu menjentikkannya ke dlm tong sampah; ~ a coin, (<i>at the beginning of a game or to settle an argumenti>) membaling: <i>let’s ~ a coin for it,i> mari kita membaling duit syiling utk memutuskannya; 2. <i>flicki> (<i>switch, device, etc i>) memetik;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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