fork-lift truck | n trak angkat susun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
laden | adj sarat: the heavily ~ truck laboured up the hill, trak yg sarat itu merangkak menaiki bukit; the basket was ~ with gifts, bakul itu sarat dgn hadiah; his grief-~ heart, hatinya yg sarat dgn kesedihan; a mind ~ with guilt, fikiran yg sarat dgn rasa bersalah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conveyance | n 1. act of transporting, membawa: trucks used for the ~ of wheat, trak yg digunakan utk membawa gandum; 2. vehicle, kenderaaan: public ~, kenderaan awam; a dilapidated ~, sebuah kenderaan yg sudah buruk; 3. (leg.) a. transfer of title, pemindahhakkan; b. (document) surat pindah hak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crash | ~ into so., /melanggar, merempuh/ sso: the runaway truck ~ed into a group of people at the bus-stop, trak yg tdk dapat dikawal itu melanggar sekumpulan orang di perhentian bas; ~ into st, /melanggar, terlanggar/ sst: the car ~ed into a lamp-post, kereta itu terlanggar tiang lampu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
convoy | n konvoi: a ~ of destroyers, konvoi kapal pembinasa; in ~, beriring-iringan: trucks travelling in ~, trak yg dipandu beriring-iringan; under ~, diiringi konvoi: oil-tankers sailing under ~, kapal-kapal minyak yg berlayar diiringi konvoi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
commandeer | vt seize for military use, menyita, merampas: private cars and trucks were ~ed during the emergency, kereta persendirian dan trak disita semasa darurat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impedimenta | n (fml) baggage, travelling equipment, supplies etc, kelengkapan; (humorous) barang(-barang): supply trucks loaded with ~, trak bekalan yg sarat dgn kelengkapan; he brought along his wife, two cats, three goats and various other ~, dia membawa isterinya, dua ekor kucing, tiga ekor kambing dan pelbagai barang lain. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
day | call it a ~, (colloq), [various translations]: they loaded up the last truck and then called it a ~, mereka memuati trak yg akhir lalu berhenti bekerja utk hari itu; I think I’ll call it a ~ and go home, baiklah saya berhenti dan pulang; he has served four terms: it’s about time he calls it a ~, dia telah berkhidmat selama empat penggal: sudah tiba masanya dia mengundurkan diri; early in the ~, masih terlalu awal; end o’s ~s, menghabiskan hari-hari terakhir sso; from ~ to ~, from one ~ to the next, dr (se)hari ke (se)hari: he lives from ~ to ~ without any thought of the future, dia hidup dr hari ke hari tanpa memikirkan masa depan; have had /its, so’s/ ~, zaman kegemilangan sso sudah berlalu: he was at one time a popular singer but he has had his ~, pd suatu masa dahulu dia penyanyi yg popular tetapi zaman kegemilangannya sudah berlalu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lash 2 | ~ st down, fasten st in position, mengikat sst: the truck driver made sure the tarpaulin covering the goods was firmly ~ed down, pemandu trak itu memastikan kain tarpal yg menutup barang-barang itu diikat dgn baik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hump | vt 1. carry on the shoulders or back, memikul: he ~ed bags of wheat to the truck, dia memikul karung-karung berisi gandum ke trak itu; 2. hoist, mengangkat: he tried to ~ the bag onto his shoulder, dia mencuba mengangkat beg itu ke atas bahunya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |